How Do You Use Your Credit Card Rewards?

How Do You Use Your Credit Card Rewards?

If you pay off your credit cards every month, I am a strong advocate of harnessing the power of rewards cards. If you don’t pay off your cards every month, the interest rate generally destroys the value of using rewards cards. Over the last several years, I’ve usually opened new credit cards when planning for…

Some Thoughts About Credit Cards

Some Thoughts About Credit Cards

Lots of people seem to have lots of opinions about credit cards. For me, I am super pro credit card. I always pay off my balances. So far I’ve never struggled with too much impulse buying (I joke about the candles… it can get a bit excessive, but it is under control). I recognize this…

Resetting on Travel Hacking

Resetting on Travel Hacking

Guys, I love travel hacking. It is absolutely not for everyone, but if you pay off your credit card balance every month (like, every. single. month.) then it might be awesome for you too. Travel rewards cards often have astronomic interest rates. If you miss a single monthly payment, it’s not impossible you can knock…