Accountability: April 2020

Profile I am thirty five years old and I am a Visiting Instructor of Theatre Arts/Production Management at a state university, where I make $26,418.51 for the semester. Spending & Saving Life is still weird. Yet here we are. My spending focused a lot on random things to stay busy – some books, some sheet…

Financial Resources for Surviving COVID-19

Financial Resources for Surviving COVID-19

Times might be a little tougher than usual right now and if you’re trying to figure out how to make your finances work until your next paycheck, below is a collection of resources for you to explore. Government Welfare Programs Unemployment Insurance Benefits: this program provides a payout based on your previous income until you…

Coronavirus and Freelancing in the Arts

Coronavirus and Freelancing in the Arts

A few days ago, I came across this tweet and thought, “we are all pretty screwed if the freelancers who never mention money are now worrying about money”: Of course, I think about money all the time, so no surprise there. The number of events starting to get cancelled or moved to an undetermined date…