Thrifty Spending Tips for College Students

Living on a student budget can be tough. With the cost of college tuition at an all-time high and other living expenses for students to contend with, being as thrifty as possible is often a necessity for those hoping to further their education. Many students spend a lot of time searching for new tips and…

What Not to Spend: How to Save Money as a Student

“Piggy Bank Money” (CC BY 2.0) by Tax Credits Highschool, college or university. No matter what kind of student you are, money is always an issue, whether you are sixteen and cannot afford your first date, or a Fresher at university saving up for a train journey home. It has to be said, university students are particularly hard done by. According…

6 Tips on Winning Scholarships

            Hey guys, check out this awesome guest post today! Pyper Barnes is a Finance Major who recently graduated from the University of Alabama in 2016. She decided to start a scholarship website, Weird Scholarships, to spread awareness on scholarship opportunities. This is just one way she is helping others limit…

What Is Tuition Insurance?

College is expensive, y’all. I’ve been thinking about heading back to academia and the thing first and foremost in my mind is cost. Tuition is astronomical and making that investment is a huge decision. Among the many factors I’ve been considering, I wondered, what happens if I need to drop out? I may decide the…

How Can You Save on Back-to-School Shopping?

Saving is hard for every student because there are some many things you simply cannot refuse to buy. Back-to-school shopping usually costs a lot for boys, girls and their parents, therefore, you have to know all the tricks and tips on how to save money on it. A request “Type my essay for me” is…

6 Thrifty Tips for College Students and Recent Grads

While I’m trying to survive getting a new tour up on it’s feet, here’s a guest post from Nate Matherson of LendEDU, a website for students looking to consolidate their student loan debt and find great advice on how to survive financially while paying it off. If that applies to you, here are a few…

4 Ways to Pay for College without Breaking the Bank

4 Ways to Pay for College without Breaking the Bank

The average cost of attending a four-year, out-of-state university has reached a jaw-dropping $32,762 per year, according to College Board. While in-state tuition is substantially lower, a year of tuition and expenses will still set you back approximately $19,000. With figures like these, it’s no wonder why financial concerns deter so many prospective students from…

Classes They Should've Made Me Take in College

Classes They Should’ve Made Me Take in College

I took some pretty ridiculous elective courses in college to make sure I was “well-rounded”: Quantitative Models & Methods (I honestly still have no idea what that class was about but for some reason, she gave me an A), Sex Discrimination & Law, Modern China, Human Sexuality (that did not turn out to be the…

Open Yourself to a New World of Possibilities: Study Abroad

Open Yourself to a New World of Possibilities: Study Abroad

So I think we’ve established – I like school. I’ve graduated from 3 different universities with degrees in three different areas. And while there is certainly a lot to say about carefully considering your education, especially because of how much debt it’s likely to get you into, I totally get people who are bitten by…

If Time is Money, Get Your Master’s Degree Abroad

Are you considering furthering your education? Have you thought about getting that degree in another country? I’m not talking about vacationing. If you’re interested in pursuing a Master’s degree and would rather get it all done in 1 year instead of 2-3, while still learning what you need to know, you should consider looking at…

From Student Activities to Graduate Admissions Advisor

From Student Activities to Graduate Admissions Advisor

Continuing our series on how student worker jobs can help kickstart your career, today I’m featuring this great guest post from Michelle who started out in her campus residential life office and found out that smelly roommates aren’t so bad (as long as they weren’t hers)! Michelle blogs at Fit is the New Poor where she writes about…

Debt Profiles: Mel's Story | brokeGIRLrich

Debt Profiles: Mel’s Story

Throughout my twenties, I had one really bad money “habit” – school. Education was held up to some crazy standard in my house as long as I could remember. If I didn’t get straight A’s, I would be grounded for the following marking period. There was no discussion of if I would go to college…