How Much Money Would You Lend Your Job?

How Much Money Would You Lend Your Job?

Company reimbursements are like a zero interest loan on their part. A lot of times, the convenience makes dropping a few dollars here and there an easy choice for a manager who needs to pick up something – especially when you have a slow purchasing department. But where do you draw the line? A common…

Tucked in next to the Metropolitan Opera - NYC's only trailer park.

Accountability: November 2017

Profile I am thirty three years old and the Performance Director at Big Apple Circus. I make $70,000 a year and live in a show provided RV. I also have health insurance through this job that’s deducted straight from my paycheck, so I don’t really count it in my bills since it’s never money I…

True Story: I Lived on a Circus Train

True Story: I Lived on a Circus Train

My friend J$ over at Budgets Are Sexy was kind enough to let me guest post today! Hopefully he’s enjoying the extra day of paternity leave with his newest Penny. So if you’ve ever dreamt of running away with the circus, head over there and check this out. When I was eleven, I made a…

Accountability: February 2014

Profile I am twenty-nine years old. I work as an assistant production manager and my yearly salary is $52,000. I live in NYC, aka the most expensive place on earth, and am often wondering why on earth I left my last job where room and board were part of my salary. Saving & Spending To…

How to Pay Off Your Debt | brokeGIRLrich

How to Pay Off Your Debt

Struggling with debt? Here are a few methods to help get your Pete under control and on his way to the curb. 1.)   Snowballer – this is Dave Ramsey’s extremely popular method of ranking all of your debts from highest to lowest, start with the lowest one and direct all the extra cash you can find…