My Experience With Millennial Burnout in the Arts

My Experience With Millennial Burnout in the Arts

Burnout is a funny thing. I think it’s very cool we talk about it these days. I think it’s weirdly alarming how common it is. Like – my grandparents have been dead a while now, but I can’t imagine any of them having much to say about burnout. You just do what you have to…

Investing in Yourself as a Stage Manager

For the last several years, my annual goals list has included adding two resume skills. I got this idea after reading “I am my biggest asset” over and over again on career related blogs, but it’s kind of true. It’s funny how long I overlooked that investing in myself often has some pretty big returns,…

3 Career Options To Escape Dead End Jobs

If you’re frustrated with your job because you like to do things your own way or because you’re a people person stuck behind a computer all day, maybe it’s time for a change. Maybe it’s time to start turning that current dead end job into a side hustle (or losing it entirely) and pursuing a…

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Stage Manager?

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Stage Manager?

So you think you might want to be a stage manager? Let me warn you now, almost everyone who works in the arts thinks they can be a stage manager and the vast majority can’t. Just because you are an organized human being doesn’t mean you have the skillset to be an excellent stage manager.…

What's Your Hourly Rate?

What’s Your Hourly Rate?

I’ve been reading a lot about how you value your time lately. I took one of those nifty quizzes lately that told me I value my time at $22.50 an hour. Which is awesome, because I don’t make that much (post tax)… perhaps this explains my perpetual state of discontentment and urge to side hustle. Read more…

Get in the Zone

You know those moments when you’re in the zone? You can knock out tons of work and it seems like your mind is on fire. You can achieve anything! I don’t know about you, but my perfect zone is right after I wake up on a day when I don’t have anything pressing to do.…

True Story: I Lived on a Cruise Ship

True Story: I Lived on a Cruise Ship

So, like I haven’t rambled about my weird adventures enough in the last two weeks… if you wanted to know more about what it was like to live on a cruise ship, check out my guest post over at Budgets Are Sexy. Some people do crazy things like recycle their toilet paper to save a…