5 Budget Travel Tips

5 Budget Travel Tips

I’m a total travel whore. When I worked for cruise ships, long after the glamour of the life had faded, I stuck with the company because each new contract had places I hadn’t seen. I put up with a lot of unpleasantness to continue to be shipped off to exotic new places. After five years…

San Francisco on a Budget

San Francisco on a Budget

Budget traveling in San Francisco is not a beginners’ game. There are some places in the United States that make it easy to find bargains, even if the area seems expensive (for example, New York City), but San Francisco is not one of them. On a somewhat psychotic 23-year-old whim, I moved to San Francisco…

Explore Honolulu on a Budget

Ever since the Saved by the Bell kids went to Hawaii, it’s been one of my bucket list destinations. Check out these tips from my pal Fiona on how to get there without completely destroying your bank account – and check out Hipmunk for your next trip too. Personally, I love how their flight search engine…

How to Enjoy Venice on a Budget

Venice: it’s one of the most sigh-worthy tourist destinations in the world, and on the bucket list of millions of people around the world. With its breathtaking architecture, notable shopping, and thousands of years of history and culture, Italy’s glamorous “sinking city” is a must-see destination for all ages and budgets. The glitterati with plenty…

Budget Travel: Camping

Budget Travel: Camping

For as long as I can remember, my extended family has gone on camping trips. My dad is the youngest of nine, so there were always plenty of cousins to hang out with and piles of mischief to get up to. There was the memorable year when I ran full speed into a partially buried…

Budget Travel: Carhenge

Budget Travel: Carhenge

One thing the Midwest really has going for it is weird roadside attractions (among other things, the Midwest is actually really cool. I mean, they have tumbleweed too!). Maybe it’s the long distances between towns. Maybe it’s something to do with all the farming. I really have no idea. But a lot of the strangest…