Spending Switches To Save You Money

When you are just starting out saving money, it might feel like it is never going to happen. Actively putting money away isn’t always the easiest thing to do for people. But making cutbacks it a lot easier. 

Do you remember when Carrie Bradshaw had to make cutbacks, but still managed to afford some Manolos? This isn’t like that. But, it won’t be changes that you’re going to resent either. 

All of us splurge sometimes, and that is okay if you have the room to do it, but doing it less often is obviously better for your pocket. 

So here are a few simple ways to make cutbacks in your everyday life. 

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Photo by Jens Kreuter on Unsplash

The Coffee/Lunch Date

If you are arranging to meet friends for coffee. Coffee turns into coffee and cake, then add on a few hours of talking, where more coffee is ordered, and it extends into lunch. Accidentally you spend nearer to £/$ 30-50. And most of the time you don’t keep track of it. You’re having such a lovely time. 

If you can, invest in a thermos and bring your own coffee. It gets trickier when it comes to food. But, if you book somewhere to eat rather than do it spur of the moment, you will have the chance to find coupons and vouchers – plus take advantage of their online booking offers. 

Movie Night

Unless you really, really need to go to the cinema to see a new release, they have a movie night in your own place. If you think about it, it is already more comfortable, because you can wear PJs if you want to. Invite people over, and have a BYOF. Encourage everyone to take over some snacks, and you can have a movie night for the cost of your usual Netflix monthly payment and a bag of nuts. 

If you use Amazon Prime Video, they have the opportunity to rent newer titles, and that is still cheaper than going to the cinema. Plus they have special low price rentals if you want to watch a classic instead. 

Getting Around

We could probably all benefit from getting off the bus or train a stop early and walking. But, how about factoring an even longer walk or cycle in. Cycling is becoming more popular, and the cost of a bike, when used to commute daily is a lot less than the average monthly travel pass. You’ll have to become more familiar with the roads and potential blind spots pretty quickly, but if you have an accident, personal injury lawyers will sort you right out. 

Not only do you save money here, but you will see a vast improvement in your health in a matter of weeks – and that is worth more than money. 

Clothing & Household

Sometimes you just want to go out, wear a new outfit and feel stunning. The problem is the new outfit is a psychological thing. You feel better in it because you know it is new. However, you should begin to train your mind out of that style of thinking. 

(it might take a while). 

If you really need to buy something, then head to a second-hand store. Not only will you save money, but you will also be more eco-friendly – and who doesn’t love that. 

When it comes to the household, you could start making money by getting rid of the things that you don’t use. And stashing the cash away. If find yourself needing items like sofas, head to Freecycle or second-hand stores again. 

Cash Only

Ditch your plastic. It is more convenient, it’s faster, and it feels like you aren’t spending anything at all. Which is where the problem is. If you feel like you aren’t spending cash, you won’t register that you are – until you have spent much more than you had wanted to.

For a while, or permanently, you should swap to cash transactions. If you have to hand over your money physically, then you tend to think twice about what you are spending, you have to add up the totals and will be more confronted by frivolous spends. Another side effect is being disappointed when you open your purse only to find smaller coins – more so if you have a weekly cash spend allocation. 

We are all so used to spending small amounts here and there, and not watching how quickly they pile up into large chunks of cash. Making swaps will lower your spend, and you’ll see a better balance at the end of the month. 

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