Side Hustle Ideas That Won’t Have You Glued To A Desk

We all know just how effective side hustles can be at helping you live a comfortable lifestyle. However, when you’re already working hard for 40 or more hours a week at a desk, why would you want to put more time in?! But we’ve got some good news for you: there are practical side hustles out there that can make you a lot of money. So, if you want to make some more money but you’re getting sick of the office lifestyle, here are some ideas that’ll help you to get out of your seat. 

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Interior Designer

Have you got an immaculately decorated home yourself? Well maybe it’s time to put those skills to good use outside of your home and start decorating for other people on a paid basis. Even just taking pictures of your own renovations and upgrades can act as a portfolio! But if you’ve made some changes to your friends’ homes too, take some photos and add it on. You can also refine your skills using design programs, so be sure to download a few to your tablet as well – that’ll keep you on your feet even when you’re not working. 

Event Planner

If you’ve got an eye for detail and a love of a good time, you can start freelancing as an event planner in your area. You only need a few hours of your time per week to set up things like decoration, catering, meeting clients, and securing premises, and that’ll have you running all over town! You’ll become quite the adventurer after a bit of time; if you want to get some experience under your belt, start by working with friends and family for free.  


Becoming a musician is a good hands-on idea to follow. But when you’re writing music and sampling beats, you’ll still spend a lot of the time seated at a desk! However, when you choose to DJ, you have much more room to stand and move. You’ll need to be up and about when mixing beats and using your deck, and as long as you’ve got the best computer for djing on your side, your setup can be entirely portable. You’ll also be out there doing gigs and getting tips, and you can earn around $30 to $50 an hour as a professional once you get the hang of things. 

Tutoring Service

Offering tutor time to anyone who needs it can get you up on your feet for most of the week. If you’ve got a bit of experience with any skill, such as knowing how to play an instrument like the piano or the violin, you can offer out hour-long lessons at your own discretion. Start with your neighborhood; anyone with kids is likely to take you up on the offer, especially outside of school times. 

Being at a desk all day long is bad for your health. Make sure your side hustle idea gets you up and about when you need it.

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