Should I Be More Excited About Going Back to Stage Managing? | brokeGIRLrich
Friends, things are starting to happen again.
I have an interview this week for a short contract with an opera company I worked for a few years ago.
And I have to be honest, I don’t know how I feel about it.
I really enjoyed working for that company. The director is my favorite director I’ve ever worked with (and I’ve been incredibly lucky to work with many good ones). I think the shows they create are really cool.
But I thought I would be more excited.
Instead I feel very apprehensive.
I’ve cobbled together this odd little freelance life in digital events that is giving me an unusual amount of freedom right now.
At the main gig, I can just block out a day here or there if I have things I want to do and no questions are asked.
At the side gig, I can easily get coverage any time I want to switch a shift.
And overall, knock on wood since they are both freelance gigs, I am making enough money to be totally fine these days even with all that freedom.
I don’t love them. And I definitely miss the excitement of a live show. However, I do use like 85-90% of my stage management skills at both. I just don’t get to call shows right now.
But life is weirdly easy. Or maybe life just actually has balance to it.
When I look at my calendar, I see a lot of work (yay) but also weekend marked off to visit breweries and beaches with friends or go horseback riding. I plan to go camping on Memorial Day weekend and I didn’t have to worry about losing a gig when I agreed to go a few months ago.
One of my best friends, who often forget I’m home because I am so unreliable, has recently started texting and asking me if I want to do things instead of only waiting till I reach out. This may sound so silly but it’s actually a really big deal to me.
I am anxious about rocking both of the freelance work boats to take a month long gig. I’m not sure if they’ll work with me to disappear for a month or not.
It leaves me wondering about the future a bit.
I was chatting with a friend about this just today as he is in the same boat (we literally work for the same freelance company and he wants to go take a 10 week contract working sound for a show) and he said this:
The emotional shift that I’ve felt is that my self-value is placed way less on, “Am I good sound number 2? Will you validate me as a good sound number 2? I’m a good person because I’m a good sound number 2.” And it’s more, “I’m doing a few different things, and I’d like to be with a lot of them, but you know what, if you don’t want me to do that gig, that’s fine. I’ve got time to do some of the other things that I want to do.”
Because that’s a bit of the conundrum I’ve been struggling with all year, isn’t it? If I’m not a stage manager what am I?
I was definitely feeling this even during the semester teaching right before the pandemic. It all just felt a bit wrong to not be stage managing. But I had also reached a point where it felt like all I was, was a stage manager. Which wasn’t healthy at all either.
Is it so wrong to just wish for a little more stability and balance to the whole career? Sigh.
Well. That’s enough of that. Wish me luck on the interview – or don’t, because I guess if I bomb it, I don’t even have to choose?
I definitely feel the same about the “if I’m not X then what am I” conundrum. Honestly, I’m not sure I even have an answer to it but I’m glad to see I’m not the only one and also happy that you’ve got an opportunity to go back to “traditional stage management” or stay in the remote/digital realm. Not that you need it but since you asked, good luck.
I think it’s a shockingly common mindset among a lot of us in the arts and it’s compounded by being on the road a lot because it literally does become all you are – you never really get away from the work when you’re doing that most of the time.
But I don’t really have an answer either. I noticed it the first time when I was feeling super burnt out about two years ago and I tried to put an effort into growing the other part of who I used to be again. I found I’d outgrown some but some efforts were rewarding.
Mel @ brokeGIRLrich recently posted…Should I Be More Excited About Going Back to Stage Managing?