Setting up a home office on a tight budget? 4 money-saving ideas

Thinking about starting your own business? Setting up an office in your home can be a big decision. If you’re planning to spend endless hours working there, it’s essential to put enough thought and effort into getting everything right. You’ll be so much more productive if you’re comfortable and can stay organized. Here are 4 steps to take so that in the long run you’ll save time as well as money.

1. Plan your space

Before you start to equip the office, create a floor plan. How do you want your desk to be positioned? Make sure all the technology will be easy to connect and you won’t have wires trailing where people will be walking. Do you have a great view from the window? Then decide whether you want to look up from your screen and enjoy looking outside. Or is that a distraction – in which case, have your back to the window. How much storage will you need and what is the mixture of closed cabinets and open shelves that will work for you. How will you store stuff that you’ll need to get your hands on repeatedly – will it sit on your desktop or in a drawer at the side of you?

2. Consider what you really need

Next assess what you already have that could be used in your office. Do you have all the technology you’ll need? Do you have enough power sources to keep everything powered, without overloading the circuits?

Even if your current equipment is not new, if it does the job you need, it may not be necessary to spend your limited budget on upgrades which don’t make much difference. On the other hand, investing in wi-fi printers or scanners, if they work better with your floor plan, can increase the efficiency of your workflow.

3. Select furniture that works for you

As sitting is the new smoking, pay special attention to your desk and your chair. An new adjustable desk, which allows you to choose to sit or stand as you work, may be beyond your budget, but with so many office based business downsizing, it is now possible to find a used model at a far more reasonable cost. Shop around before making any decisions

Office chairs with great lumbar support can also be picked up at bargain prices – but if they’re still  beyond your budget, consider investing in an inflatable exercise ball. Costing less than $20, they’re surprisingly beneficial for the lower back, and help you maintain good posture. They also keep you in constant motion, so your hips and legs get a continuous workout. Just be sure you choose one that’s the right size for your height: if you’re 5’1’’-5’8’’, the ball should be 55cm in diameter; above that you should opt for at least 65cm.

4. Accessorize

It’s important to personalize your space with favorite items from the rest of your home, while still keeping the overall look professional. Add some houseplants to bring a touch of natural greenery.  Family photos, your favorite books and some speakers for your favorite music all create a sense of well-being at little or no cost.

6 thoughts on “Setting up a home office on a tight budget? 4 money-saving ideas

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