Self Employed Nightmares

If you’re not self employed, then you might think of it as a dream. The freedom of being able to work at your own pace and to your own rules. The freedom of being able to take time off and do whatever you please during the day. If you want to finish before 5 pm, that’s fine, right? Well, sometimes it can be like that. We wouldn’t be telling the truth if we didn’t say that being self employes doesn’t have its own perks. However, there is also the many issues that come with it. The many nightmares that people who aren’t self employed won’t realize. All that everyone else sees is the freedom, the potential to earn, and the lack of authority that brings most people down in the workplace. So, if you are self employed, or you’re considering moving towards this in the near future, there are a few things that you need to think about, some of which we’re going to discuss today. We need you to realize that self employment is but a dream, it can sometimes just be a glamourous if you’re in the right niche and earning enough money. So, keep on reading to find out more.

It’s Highly Unreliable

So you might think that because you’re working for yourself and that you’re managing yourself, that self employment would be super reliable. Whilst you might be able to rely on yourself, you’re not necessarily going to be able to rely on the industry that you’re in. if the industry you’re in at the minute is super crowded, it can be so hard to get the customers you need to make it all worth it. You will have done this so you can support yourself without having to go in and work for someone else, and you will most likely have the desire to earn more than if you were working for someone else. So to avoid the nightmare of finding you’re in the opposite situation, you need to promote yourself and you need to build up a good reputation. There are usually easy ways of doing. If you’re going self employed within the beauty industry, it’s wise to first build up a good reputation and even a social media following first. Loyal customers will then follow you when it comes time for you to go on your own venture. If you’re willing to go self employed and you have a construction trade, you can often build up a range of contacts that will offer you work over the years. Again, a lot of it is based around building a good reputation and showing that your work is far better than others. 

You also need to be able to account for the fact that it is so unreliable. You need to make sure that you’re earning a ton of money one week to account for another week that might be so slow. Everything you do is going to cost you money, rather than if you were working for a business and the lack of customers would cost them money. Before you think about going self employed to be sure that you’re going to have the customers to support your slow weeks.

The Actual Lack Of Freedom

The lack of freedom is something that everyone has to suffer through with work, and anyone who isn’t self employed might think that anyone who is self employed has the freedom to do what they want to do. But in fact, there is more of an issue with freedom than if you were employed. Everything you do has to conform to the customer’s wants and needs if you want to keep having customers. You will realize the true pressures of self employed life and the pressure a business faces to try and keep customers happen. You will also realize that you need to work all hours of the day to be able to find the customers you need and to please what they need you to do. The fight to earn money in the beginning can be brutal and anyone who goes self employed will tell you that it’s one big gamble. You have to invest to get all of the tools you need and to find all the work you need. If this is something you’re considering doing it might be worth seeing what the market is like and understanding how many customers you’re going to be able to find before you go into it. 

You’re Competing With Everyone

This is another one that many self employed people are struggling with at the minute. There is such an influx of people who are wanting to go it alone, and there are so many new businesses establishing. So that process of being able to find customers is getting harder than ever before. One tactic we think that small self employed businesses are not going for is online marketing. Instead they rely largely on the word of mouth and spreading that word through their local communities. But what is one thing that all people are using at the minute? The internet! The internet is a great tool for securing customers no matter what you’re doing. But people have to be able to find your. You need a really good website, and you need SEO to promote it. An SEO reporting tool can allow you to see if your campaigns are gaining any traction, and you can easily manipulate how well they do by using keyword link building. You can also try social media marketing and the powers that it has. 

Dealing With Customers

Dealing with customers is often the hardest one to manage. If you have had no experience with it before it can be such a challenge to try and manage. One solution we have is to learn as you go along. It’s so important to remember that everything is a learning curve and you have to take every single day as it comes. Make sure that you focus on the customers always being right.

2 thoughts on “Self Employed Nightmares

  1. Its not easy… what most of the outsiders think… you do not suppose.. you have to there to solve every problem… something people should consider when opting for self-employment 🙂

  2. Pingback: You’re More Likely to Need a Lawyer Than You Think - brokeGIRLrich

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