Save Money with a Defensive Driving Course

Save Money with a Defensive Driving Course

Save Money with a Defensive Driving Course | brokeGIRLrich

Hello friends, I have a recently found a money saving opportunity you can look into if you find you have a lot of time on your hands at the moment.

I emailed my car insurance company this week (NJ Manufacturers, pretty much the best insurance in the world – I am totally biased, I’ve always had fantastic customer service and great rates from them) and asked if they do discounts for taking defensive driver classes.

They said yes and directed me to a webpage that listed their approved classes. There were several to pick from and I just went with the cheapest company – I Drive Safely.

The class cost me $34.85.

You can take it for $24.90 if you are paying attention when you register (unlike me) and aren’t in a rush to get the certificate. They shadily default to charging you $9.95 to get your certificate immediately by e-mail. You can have it mailed to you by regular post for free. You have to actively change it to that option though.

If you have wikibuy on your browser for rebates, there is also a 5% back on the purchase of any courses on I Drive Safely. eBates/Rakuten and Honey didn’t have rebates at the time I purchased this course.

As I was trying to do the course like three days before my renewal period for this year, I would’ve chosen the email option anyway, but be aware that it adds nearly $10 to the price of the course.

Now, why would I spend $34.85 (or for you, $24.90) or really anything in that vicinity because the price might not be exactly that if your state doesn’t accept I Drive Safely?

Because I save 5% on my car insurance for the next three years. My insurance has never been less than $1,000 a year and it’s usually in the $1100-1200 range. This year, it was $1048. Which is a $52 savings.

It’s actually only $17.15 savings this year because of the cost of the course, but the next two years will come out to just over $100 in savings.

Or $18.89 this year with my $1.74 rebate from wikibuy.

The course is lengthy – it took about 6 hours in total to get through, which I did in little pieces over 3 days. And it is also incredibly dull. But at the moment, I got time. So if you’re in the same boat, contact your car insurance company and see if there are any defensive driving courses you can take.

Make sure you check with your insurance company first because there are a ton of options out there, but they are not all approved by every company. Your insurance company will know which ones they accepts, how much they’ll save you, and how many years you can apply that discount.

How do you save money on your car insurance?

4 thoughts on “Save Money with a Defensive Driving Course

  1. Our company sent all of us who drove company vehicles, even rarely, to the local community college for a defensive driving course. It paid for itself in lowering the insurance costs for the company. But it was free for the employees and the lessons learned helped us when we were driving with our families as well. Driving is the most dangerous thing most of us ever do, its a great investment to stay alive!
    Steveark recently posted…Everything’s Back to NormalMy Profile

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