Quarantine Spending Habits Expose

Quarantine Spending Habits Expose | brokeGIRLrich

Am I the only one who has bought some weird stuff during quarantine?

I mean, maybe I’m usually too busy to fall down into some of the weird online shopping wells that I’ve fallen into during the last few months, but the fact is – some odd items have bought.

They have not all been winners.

If the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, then I’m here to say social media targeted ads work on me.

I actually think they may know me better than I know myself, because I have bought some things that I normally wouldn’t even think would appeal to me.

Strange Purchase #1 – A Paint By Numbers Set

Yes, Facebook, I am kind of bored in the evenings and definitely don’t want to stare mindlessly at yet another screen.

So when it arrived, it sat in it’s packaging in my apart for a solid month.

Then I opened the package, laid it out on the table, and… there it still sits. Mocking me.

Not a Winner

Strange Purchase #2 – A Tiny Projector

Maybe I was wrong about the screens. Can we stare at the screens more comfortably? Like on my back in my bed?

Instagram says yes. Suddenly there were tons of tiny projector ads on my feed. I swear I never said or typed the word projector, yet there they are.

How could I go wrong for $50?

So I ordered one the first week of April.

It still has not arrived.

Who knows if it will be a winner…

Strange Purchase #3 – A Black Dress

Yup, I caved to a clothing ad. It looked so pretty on the model.

On me, it looks like a sad version of Elvira and the clothing texture has the unique feeling of plastic table cloth.

Not a Winner

Strange Purchase #4 – Calligraphy Set

You’d think I would have learned my lesson from the paint-by-number, but no. I have to say though, I don’t regret the calligraphy set. I do wish I’d gone with markers instead of the fountain pen version, because while it’s cool, it’s really difficult.

My friends are certainly grateful, as many of them have received near illegible letters written in very bad and blotted calligraphy over the last month.


Strange Purchase #5 – Tarot Throw Down Class

Because now is certainly the time to learn how to read tarot cards? I don’t know. It just looked kind of interesting.

Thanks again, Facebook.

I purchased it a little over a month ago.

I have not done one class yet.

Not a Winner? TBD if I Ever Get Motivated?

Strange Purchase #6 – Foldable Kayak

This one is a tiny bit less strange, as I have been considering buying a kayak for like three years. I am scared I will knock myself out though trying to load a regular kayak onto the roof of my car.

A guy I’ve been spending a lot of time with, out of the blue, sent me a link to these foldable kayaks because you save $50 when you buy two at the same time. It was like it was meant to be because I had recently been looking at the link myself.

So weird quarantine purchase #6 became a foldable kayak. It just seems like a weird time for a $275 investment – but in that moment, it seemed perfectly logical.

TBD, shipping date keeps getting pushed back

Strange Purchase #7 – Cocktail Syrup

This one is thanks to Pinterest. I’m not really a fancy cocktail girl when left to my own devices. I just need some Coke and some whisky and I’m good.

Also, I don’t usually drink much when sitting around at home. …this is less true these days.

But all the cocktails with this syrup on Pinterest got to me and I wound sipping my own Crimson Smoke cocktails.

They were not better than a whisky Coke.

Not a Winner                           

Strange Purchase #8 – Elephant Pants

The store that makes those elephant printed genie pants is going out of business!

I have no idea why this triggered me – probably elephants – but I felt I had to buy a pair. So I did.

They are weird. But comfortable.


Current ad that I know I’m going to cave to any day now:

  • Milk Bar Crack Pie

They kept emailing me. I unsubscribed to the emails.

Now I get the ads on Facebook.

Today I saw one on Instagram.

The Crack Pie is stalking me.

I will eat it.

Alright friends, what weird purchases have you made during quarantine?

3 thoughts on “Quarantine Spending Habits Expose

  1. I ordered a banjo back in April. I always wanted to learn to play, so I thought I would try to teach myself some basics during quarantine. It still has not arrived though!!

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