Post Easter Sugar Rush & Other Savings

Post Easter Sugar Rush & Other Savings

Post Easter Sugar Rush & Other Savings | brokeGIRLrich

“For every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.”

A Bible passage seemed appropriate to note that today starts the season of really cheap chocolate.

….probably not what God intended, but it works.

Buying the right items at the right time is a massive money saver and if you’ve got a sweet tooth, today is one of those days that should be marked on your calendar. Just like the week after Christmas and Valentine’s Day, this is the week of the cheap chocolate. And Peeps. And jelly beans.

Got a wedding coming up in a few months? Stock up on jelly beans instead of Jordan almonds.

Big on camping? As long as you don’t open the packaging on Peeps, I’m pretty sure they’d last through a nuclear holocaust – they could make for some delicious S’mores this summer. Personally, I’m partial to them half stale.

The shredded cellophane that fills the baskets of children everywhere is excellent in gift bags.

Speaking of, you can stock up on Easter themed gift bags for next year very inexpensively and Easter baskets for the kids. If you’re into the whole home decorating thing, now is the time to scope out next year’s decorations – those cool, light up egg lights that were $20 a string a week ago are now likely to drop down to $10 or even $5 and will still be cool next year.

Sick of forking over cash for Easter bunny pictures? Pick up a discounted bunny suit this week and start a new tradition in 2016.

With that, I leave you with one of my favorite BzzFeed articles of all time:

Click here to enjoy others being scarred for life by the Easter Bunny.

Click here to enjoy others being scarred for life by the Easter Bunny.

11 thoughts on “Post Easter Sugar Rush & Other Savings

  1. I don’t really like sweets, but if there’s a candy in the house that I like, I’m going to eat it which is why I typically buy Easter candy for my son that I don’t like. It’s a good deterrent to the indulging. And I love your Easter bunny pic! I have NO idea why so many people take their kids for pictures with the Easter bunny, the bunnies always look so creepy.
    Shannon @ Financially Blonde recently posted…Music Mondays – A Dream is a Wish Your Heart MakesMy Profile

    • I will totally take my future children for Easter bunny pics in the hopes of them being a hilarious disaster. That bottom bunny pick always makes me want to laugh AND take a step away from it at the same time.

    • Yeah, I am pretty surprised at some of the pictures I see online of what my friends are giving their kids for easter. I think a little basket of candy is fine, but I guess it’s really easy to go overboard on your kids.

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