Plenty Of Ways To Earn Money On The Side Of Your Job

A lot of the time, our job just isn’t enough to get us through the month, and even if it is, it might not leave anything left over for those little luxuries we all love. If this is the case, then you are going to need to look into ways that you can earn money on the side of your job. By doing this, you are allowing yourself to afford more, and more often than not, it doesn’t actually require that much effort from you. You don’t have to take on a second job to do this, there are plenty of little things that you can do instead! If you want to find out more about what kind of things we are talking about, keep reading down below.

Dog Walking

Image Source – CC0 Licence

The first thing that we are going to look at is dog walking. If you’re a dog person and you enjoy spending time with them, then this is going to be a great idea for you. A lot of the time, people are too busy to give their dog the amount of exercise they need, but they are more than happy to pay someone else to do this while they attend to other things. You might be surprised when you see how many people are actually looking for someone to walk their dog or dogs. Make sure that you check with the owners what their dog is like with others, though, because you don’t want to be in a situation that you can’t control.

What we mean by this is that you need to ensure the dog is good with other dogs and people so that you don’t have to avoid certain areas. However, if the dog you’re going to be walking isn’t, then you need to make sure that the owners provide you with the right equipment such as a muzzle is necessary. You will also find that if the dog is good with other dogs, then you can walk more than one at a time, bringing in some extra money.

Child Minding

The next thing that we are going to talk about is child minding. For some reason, this is a task that people seem to attribute to young teens and therefore think that they wouldn’t have a chance at getting this kind of job. However, this is not the case, and parents often would prefer someone older with more experience than a teen to watch over their children. Knowing that younger children tend to respond to authority in older adults means that you are likely to find at least a few people who need their child minding by someone older than 16. 

Do be aware that a lot of parents require proof that you don’t have a criminal history, and some will even require that you show proof you have worked with children in the past, or that you have children. If this is going to be a problem, then you might not want to choose this as your path to earn the extra money you are looking for.

Forex Trading

Something else that you could consider is forex trading. Now, this is usually a hit with big companies, banks, and so on, but anyone can try forex trading, and it could end up making you a lot of money. If you want to start forex trading, then you might want to find someone who has more experience in the market than you do and get some help. As such, looking for a broker might be in your best interests here, as they will be able to help and guide you through this. It can be quite complicated before you understand exactly how it works, so having a professional is going to be invaluable here. It’s important that you read up on this before you commit to forex trading as it does involve quite a lot of risk.

You should never put more money up than you can afford to lose, which is why it’s only something to consider if you already have a little bit of extra money. If you don’t, and you’re planning to put money you need in to take part here, then it’s not the option that you need. 

Start A Blog

Pic Link – CC0 Licence

Another thing that you can do is start a blog. Now, this is quite simple to do, but building up a follower base so that you start getting paid is not so easy. You have got to be patient with here and post relevant content on the blog that you are going to set up. Really, you have two options here. The first one is that you can find a gap where you can fit your blog in. What we mean by this is that you should go through a number of blogs, and find a topic that isn’t talked about as much and then base your blog around this. So, you can target your blog to a specific audience and only have posts that focus on a certain area.

Or, you can do whatever you want, post whatever you want, and use your personality to post. This option means that your blog is likely going to have a variety of different posts covering different topics. Now, there is no right answer here. Both blog types can be successful if you can get the follower count that you need to the point where you are going to begin getting paid to post. Make sure that you have the time to keep posting, though, or people are going to lose interest pretty quickly.


If you know that you are good at a certain subject or that you have the knowledge base to help others with their academic studies, then you might want to consider becoming a tutor. The pay for this kind of side hustle is actually pretty good, and you can set your own hours. You can also choose what people you work with, their age, their ability, and the subjects that you are willing to tutor in. It’s a great choice because it means that you are helping those who need a little bit of extra tutoring, and as you already have the knowledge, you just have to relay it in a way that helps them to understand.

There are a number of ways that you can find people who need tutoring. You can post an ad and wait for someone to reply, or you can post something online to let people know you are there to help. You might be surprised at the number of people who are looking for a good tutor, and if you can help them, then you’re doing something good and making a little extra money at the same time.

Rent Out Your Car

CC0 Licence – Location Link

There are plenty of people out there who can drive but don’t have a car, and if you do, then this is the perfect opportunity. You can rent out your car for people to use when they need it. This could be for anything that they need, whether they are moving house and need a way to get their possessions to the new house, or it could be because they need to be somewhere and can’t rely on public transport. It doesn’t matter what the reason is, the point is that you can rent out your car and make money from doing absolutely nothing. 

Because this means strangers and your property, do ensure that you have proper security checks in place before you let someone go off. 


The next thing that we’re going to look into is freelancing services. Now, there are a number of people who are looking for people to work for them on a freelance basis, and this is usually in certain professions like photography, but you’d be amazed at what you could find on the internet. If you can find the opportunity for freelance work, then this could be a great opportunity for you to get some work when you have time, fit it around your schedule and potentially do something that you enjoy.

Online Surveys

CC0 Licence – Pexels Image

Finally, you can think about taking online surveys. There are always people looking for others to take their surveys for their products or for their research, and a lot of people are willing to pay for this. It doesn’t take long, and all you have to do is answer some questions to get some money. The rate depends on the survey you’re taking, so you might have to take quite a few before you get enough money, but as it isn’t something that requires much effort on your part, this doesn’t really matter.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see that there are plenty of ways to earn money on the side of your job. Good luck and we hope that you find the extra money you are seeking either through one of the methods that we listed above, or one of the many other numerous avenues you could go down.

Source Pic – CC0 Licence

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