How to Search for and Get The Best Public Accounting Jobs In US

Many accountants dream of becoming certified public accountants (CPAs), and of basically landing a job in the public sector. This is a career that comes with numerous benefits, some of which are listed on this page. Public accountants provide various services to businesses, such as auditing, financial statement preparation, as well as tax preparation, and…

This Year's Adventure in Taxes

This Year’s Adventure in Taxes

**The links in this post are referral links, which means if you click them, I get a small financial reward at no cost to you.** So for many years, I sang the praises of TurboTax. During the pandemic, they even sent me a fairly crazy thank you box with a blanket, water bottle and candle…

Accountability: February 2024

Profile I am thirty-nine years old, a digital event producer and occasional freelance stage manager. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with, though work has been very slow this year. I work a variety of small side hustles and am a full-time student working on a PhD in Drama. Spending &…

To Move or Not to Move?

To Move or Not to Move?

On the heels of musing over how to keep warm without breaking the bank in London last week, this week I bring you – should I move out of London? And I am all ears in the comment section. So I have definitely been a little frustrated over the cost of living here in London.…

How to Learn More About Your Personality

Learning more about your personality enables you to understand why you think, feel, and behave the way you do. It promotes better self-awareness and inner growth and can lead to stronger personal and professional relationships. Your personality style can transform your life. Understanding your unique personality enables you to tailor your daily activities, career path,…

My Second Year as a Theatre/Drama PhD Student

My Second Year as a Theatre/Drama PhD Student

On February 2nd I crossed the two year/half way mark in my PhD program. So it seems like time write a reflection piece on year two of the whole process. Going into the whole thing, someone was telling me about the overall process and they warned me the second year is the worst. It’s like…

4 Effective Ways to Lose Weight and Still Save Money

While healthcare is a necessary expense, it still helps to adjust your lifestyle to reduce the risk of costly medical bills. As such, a previous post highlights health improvement tips to manage healthcare spending, which can reach an annual average of $4,500. Such tips include eating healthy and staying active to avoid overweight and obesity,…

Accountability: January 2024

Profile I am thirty-nine years old, a digital event producer and occasional freelance stage manager. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with, though work has been very slow this year. I work a variety of small side hustles and am a full-time student working on a PhD in Drama. Spending &…

3 Things To Consider Before A Military Career

Source – CC0 License Is a military career right for you? Some people swear by this career path as it helps you develop loads of essential skills. Being in the military doesn’t mean you’re fighting wars – there are plenty of jobs behind the scenes you can end up doing. It’s also a very popular…

The Tangible Touch: Why Physical Investments Are Rock-Solid

Our world is constantly digitising, making tangible assets such as real estate or precious metals more appealing than their non-tangible counterparts like stocks or cryptocurrencies for investors looking to diversify their portfolios. Understanding the differences between them is the cornerstone of wise decision-making and understanding their nuances is the foundation of sound investing strategy. Photo…

10 Personal Finance Quizzes for the New Year

10 Personal Finance Quizzes for the New Year

I’m going to be honest, I’m a little overwhelmed this week with the start of a new term, TAing, adjuncting, working, prepping for my transfer exam and a small pile of other tasks that stupid December Mel pushed onto January Mel’s plate. So rather than rambling at you this Wednesday,  I’d like to share 10…

3 Easy Ways To Make Money Fast

Image Credit: Alexander Mils from Unsplash. There comes a point in many peoples’ lives where they need to make money fast. They need to pay off a bill, get money together for an important purchase, and more. Despite how much they need it, people often think this has to be complicated. You could find yourself…

Money Management Tips To Consider

Pexels One significant part of your life is your finances. It’s important that you can pay your bills on time and that you have the necessary funds available to you when you need them. It’s possible you’ve been wanting to get better organized financially but haven’t had the time to concentrate on this matter. Now…

Where I Money

Where I Money

Each month, I write an accountability post that tracks my income and expenses. I’ve been doing this for 10 and a half years and I think this tracking is possibly the main habit I’ve developed that helps keep things on track – especially when things are tight. I thought today, I’d share the companies I…

Accountability: December 2023

Profile I am thirty-nine years old, a digital event producer and occasional freelance stage manager. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with, though work has been very slow this year. I work a variety of small side hustles and am a full-time student working on a PhD in Drama. Spending &…

My Experience with British Dentists

My Experience with British Dentists

I have been living here long enough that it was time to find a dentist. I was also struggling a little with some tooth pain. I don’t know if you’ve ever moved abroad, so I don’t know if this is normal or I’m a total weirdo, but in the grand scheme of things that have…

How to Operate Your Healthcare Business More Frugally

Pexels – CCO Licence Healthcare is an expensive business as anyone who has health insurance or has ever needed a trip to the emergency room will undoubtedly know So, it stands to reason that running a healthcare company is pretty high on the expenses too, right? Well, yes, but that doesn’t mean there are not…

Side Hustling: Building an RPG for Amazon KDP

Side Hustling: Building an RPG for Amazon KDP

So I’ve written a few times over the last year and a half about a side hustle I’ve been working on with two friends from college. We have written and published a spicy RPG game for couples very similar to fantasy RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons. The Tavern of Conquests. The three of us were…

Are We Being Asked to Tip More?

Are We Being Asked to Tip More?

I’m an American who lives in the UK, so I think about tipping kind of a lot. In America, tipping is pretty common practice. I expect to tip in most situations. In Europe, this is considerably less so. But, I have noticed an interesting shift here. With everything being automated, most of the tap payment…

Accountability: November 2023

Profile I am thirty-nine years old, a digital event producer and occasional freelance stage manager. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with, though work has been very slow this year. I work a variety of small side hustles and am a full-time student working on a PhD in Drama. Spending &…

A Reintroduction to brokeGIRLrich

A Reintroduction to brokeGIRLrich

One of my weaknesses is Instagram. I removed the rest of social media off my phone ages ago and I used to only have a small, very intentionally curated group of friends on Instagram, so how much of a time suck could it be? Turns out, still a lot. And lately I’ve noticed a bunch…