5 Tips To Grow Your Local Business on a Tight Budget

https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-women-looking-and-pointing-at-macbook-laptop-1569076/ Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels If you have successfully started your own business the frugal way, you have already lived an exciting and challenging experience. However, now that your company is up and running, it is essential for you to start looking into growing your business. After all, establishing a stable customer base and…

Accountability: August 2021

Profile I am thirty seven years old and I’m a freelance digital event producer. I make $50/hour at the main company I work with. I also work part time for a theatre company doing a digital murder mystery/escape room for £15/hour five nights a week. Spending & Saving Where the heck did August go? This…

5 Lucrative Careers for 2021

The world is getting more expensive, and as Destiny’s Child said: Bills, Bills, Bills. Things that were once taken for granted, such as owning your own home, are increasingly becoming a pipe dream for many. But if you have valuable skills, you’ll find it easier to climb that career ladder. Of course, job satisfaction and…

Navigating Very Modern Problems

How much do we hate it when life doesn’t run the way it’s supposed to run?  You know, when Netflix gets stuck right at theeee crucial moments in the movie, or when the bank delivering your new credit card sends it to your home address when you double-checked it would come to your office? They…

5 Ways to Make Life Easier When You’re Working From Home

Image Source It’s hard to avoid anything to do with COVID-19, especially when it’s a topic that’s always in the news or spoken about by your friends, family members, and co-workers. The pandemic is still raging around the world and turning many people’s lives upside-down. One effect of COVID-19 is that many folks get asked…

How to Manage Your Finances Better as a Student

One of the biggest challenges you face as a student is keeping your finances balanced. Most students don’t have lots of money sitting in their bank accounts, and that makes managing your cash even more important. The last thing you want to do is waste money and manage your finances poorly because that’ll only make…

Could You Get Seriously Rich Through Real Estate?

Unsplash – CC0 License Many millionaires believe that the source of their wealth is property. Real estate, they say, is the best way to accumulate money over the course of a lifetime.  But how do you do it effectively? That’s the question.  You probably know many real estate investors in your life who haven’t quite…

Realistic Ways To Make Your Fortune

(Pixabay CC0) There are unrealistic ways to make a fortune, of course. You could win the lottery, a long-lost relative could leave you their inheritance, and a rich benefactor could take you under their wing and provide for all of your financial needs. These things aren’t out of the realm of possibility but for most…

The Effects of Stress and How to Manage Stress Better

In today’s society, it is nearly impossible to avoid stress. Between work deadlines, family obligations, and social media notifications, we are all constantly facing some form of stress. Unfortunately, the effects of this can be devastating on our health in the long run if we don’t take steps to manage it. This article will learn…

Saving Money On Expensive Purchases

If you are someone who doesn’t like to overpay for things, and likes to save money on those pesky expensive purchases, then you’re in the right place. We’re the exact same! We don’t want to be spending all of our hard earned money on things that we need rather than want, which is why we…

What Will Make Your Top Employees Stick Around?

https://pixabay.com/en/crowd-employee-group-man-people-1294119/ One thing that all businesses want to do is hold onto their best employees, isn’t it? After all, there is nothing worse than when you find a perfect worker and they decide that they want to go somewhere else. So, the question is; how can you stop this from happening? How can you hold…

When is Enough Enough?

When is Enough Enough?

In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, William Blake wrote “you never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.” I think this is unfortunately true. I have too much on my plate right now. And most of it makes me money or is part of a future plan to continue…

A No-Drama Job Hunt

https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/08/12/23/23/keyboard-417090__340.jpg A lot of people are job hunting at the moment due to the pandemic. And, one thing that a lot of people can agree on is that it tends to be very stressful. However, we are here to change that. Here are some of the things you can do to enjoy a job hunt…

Using Impactful Images To Boost Your Portfolio Website

https://unsplash.com/photos/npxXWgQ33ZQ If you are looking to benefit from original, beautiful imagery for your blog or website, you will have a number of different options available to you. The first possibility is to hire your own photography team and take original photographs, but this can be a very expensive process and a long-winded one. The Internet…

Straightforward and Simple Ways you Can Improve your Business

Consistent improvements will help you to enhance your company. Things like monitoring your cash flow, using social media and even recognizing your strengths will all help you to focus on improving the areas you need. If you want some additional ways to improve your company, then this is the guide for you. Source: Pexels (CC0…

How to Make Money Out of a Passion

In this world, there are many different ways you can make money. But making money out of a passion has got to be the most rewarding. Not only are you walking onto something that you know a lot about, so you have a whole plethora of knowledge, but you also love the thing you’re working…

How To Make Money In The Mobile Gaming World

Pexels Image The mobile gaming market is an industry which is currently thriving. With more people than ever before owning a smartphone, there has never been such a high demand for mobile games. Lockdown certainly helped to boost this trend in 2020 as people had a lot more spare time on their hands. There is…

How To Make Managing Your Finances A Little Less Stressful

Pixabay CC0 License Remove financial stress from your mind once and for all Money isn’t the most important thing in this life, but its impact on your life cannot be emphasized enough. It is easily one of the most common sources of stress. So, any opportunity to reduce those levels through efficient management should be…

3 Things You Can Do To Save Money On Your Start-up

Starting a business can be expensive, and the more money you invest into it, the bigger the risk you’re taking. Even if you’re completely confident in the success of your business, there’s a lot that can go wrong between the launch of your business and success. You want to make sure that you have a…