New Year’s Resolutions: 2019

New Year’s Resolutions: 2019

New Year’s Resolutions: 2019 | brokeGIRLrich

Now that the champagne has been drunk (or the rumchata pudding shots consumed) and the official binge watching of The Twilight Zone has occurred, it does feel a little like a new year to me.

I’ve mentioned a couple of times that I think a lot of my financial success has come from setting clear goals and then checking in regularly to see how I’m doing on them. So for 2019, here are some of the goals I’m hoping to achieve.



  1. Start eating better. I generally live off take out, junk food and fried foods due largely to my ridiculous work schedule, but I’d like to spend the next few months getting better at cooking and making healthier choice when I do eat out.
  2. Work out more. It’s probably time to stop letting all my muscles atrophy. The goal is to go skiing at least six times this winter and start swimming again.
  3. Better stress management. Try to recover from this total career burnout and figure out better coping mechanisms for when I return to it in June.


  1. Keep taking accounting classes.
  2. Do two things to build up my stage management skills.
  3. Take music lessons while I’m home for a few months so I can read music better (which could also apply to point #2 on the career list).


  1. Spend more time with family and friends.
  2. Be more supportive of family and friends even when I can’t be there in person.
  3. Go out on a date once in a while so maybe, just maybe, I don’t wind up alone for the rest of my life (what are the odds that this will be my fail in this category in December 2019? I think like…. 80% likely to fail).
  4. Make an effort to not withhold kind words and encouragement.


  1. Max out my Roth IRA.
  2. Max out my HSA.
  3. Set aside $5,000 for my house down payment account.
  4. Set aside $2,000 for my new car account.
  5. Invest $2,000.



  1. Read more.
  2. Learn to make macarons.
  3. Visit two roadside attractions.

What are your goals for 2019?

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