Navigating Very Modern Problems

How much do we hate it when life doesn’t run the way it’s supposed to run?  You know, when Netflix gets stuck right at theeee crucial moments in the movie, or when the bank delivering your new credit card sends it to your home address when you double-checked it would come to your office?

They might be first-world problems and in the bigger scheme things don’t matter, but they do cause unnecessary stress and aggravation and that’s the point.  We all want lives with less stress, not more.  So here are a few tips to navigating a few very, modern problems.

Image By kaboompics


Yes, there really is an app for everything, and when it comes to navigating traffic this busy girl doesn’t have time for that.  So thank goodness for apps like Google Maps, WAZE, and Sygic.  All of these use sophisticated technology as well as “user-driven” intelligence that help find creative routes around high traffic areas and zones and guide you towards a smoother flow overall.  Minutes matter.


It doesn’t matter how understanding or nice you try to be, there are always those people that insist on calling – at dinner time. It is one of the singular most frustrating issues today, unsolicited call center phone calls from insurance salespeople or worse, cell phone companies trying to beat you down into taking up some or another offer.  But as annoying as those callers can be, there is a safety aspect to unsolicited phone calls too.  Especially if it involves your children, well now you can find out who is calling – and from which location with this totally free phone lookup.


It’s a symptom of modern living, isn’t it?  Endless cables laying about all over the place, charging stations that act more as potential trip hazards than anything else. It’s just not a good look and it’s probably only going to get worse as our lives become ever more “connected” with gadgets and devices.

Everything from super-stylish bamboo charging stations for multiple devices to wireless charging pads that make your life a lot easier and frankly safer can be found here.  You’re welcome.


Is there anything more excruciatingly painful than urgently needing to log into something and then not remembering your password…or the reset questions?  Well, now you never have to worry about that sort of thing, ever again.  There are some amazing and secure app solutions for this particular problem of a first-world nature and to make it even easier on you, you can read about them on this website.  It is so important to be able to access information on demand and being shut out because of password issues, doesn’t rank highly on the happiness stakes.

No, this list is not exhaustive by any means, clearly, but we do believe in taking on life in manageable chunks and the process making it easier to live and navigate.  If it’s in your planning to start working from home, then you will find a guide to making that easier too.

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