My Biggest Productivity Buster: Clutter

My Biggest Productivity Buster: Clutter

My Biggest Productivity Buster: Clutter | brokeGIRLrich

Guys, I am drowning in clutter right now and it has reminded me how much trouble I have concentrating and getting anything done when my life is a mess.

I recently moved out of the RV I’ve been living in with the circus and back into my parents’ house for the next few months and it’s like my entire life has exploded into my childhood bedroom.

IMG_5906I’m pretty sure even the dog is judging me.

Every time I’ve tried to get something done over the last few days, I felt defeated before I even started.

Should I try to cook dinner? I have no idea where the crock pot went. Order out.

I need to wrap some presents. I know I have wrapping paper from last year. But where? Who cares? Go buy more.

Usually when my life isn’t full on exploded around me, I still need things pretty tidy to get anything done. Before I sit down to work on my blog, I clean up the area. Before I pack to go places, I clean my whole room. The worse state everything is in, the longer it takes me to accomplish anything.

I also can’t believe how much crap I managed to amass in a year and a half of living in a tiny RV, but I now have an overwhelming quantity of stuff in my life. Just way too much stuff.

If clutter is as overwhelming to you as it is to me, here are three tricks to keep in under wraps:

  • When the mountain of crap is just too much, get help. Hire a professional junk removal company to haul away all the appliances, furniture and anything else you don’t need anymore. A good junk removal company should be able to give you a free estimate. The best also try to avoid the landfill by using it as a last resort. First they’ll try to donate and recycle whatever they can among your junk.
  • Get organized. When everything has a place, you know where to look for what you need. This will keep you from buying the same thing over and over only to find you’ve now got 10 rolls of half used wrapping paper. A few small investments into storage bins or organizers can actually save you money over time so you don’t keep rebuying what you already own.
  • Tackle big projects a little at a time. When you’re took overwhelmed to tackle everything, pick a room, a corner, a single drawer, and get that done. Then move onto the next little area.

You don’t have to go all minimalist if you don’t want, but owning more than your space can hold sometimes creates an overwhelming environment.

Now excuse me, I’m about to commence day three of trying to find my wallet in this mess. Ugh. I guess I’ll start with my own tricks and clean out one corner at a time.

What tricks do you use to cut down on clutter?

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