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Mother’s Day Gift Options from Etsy | brokeGIRLrich
Mother’s Day gifts are kind of hard, aren’t they? Hopefully you have a mom as awesome as mine was and it was always so difficult to find her a good gift. She was a really chill person and years ago I figured out that she would be happy with a trashy romance book and some chocolate, but even once you’ve cracked the code of what floats your mom’s boat, once in a while you really want to spoil them or shake things up a bit, #amiright?
I’m a pretty big fan of Etsy. I love how unique the things on there are and the fact that I’m (at least mostly) supporting small artisans. They have helpfully developed a Mother’s Day Editor’s Picks Page for those who are struggling to find the right gift. There’s tons of things to pick from on there, but below I’ve also got some things I think my mom would’ve liked and maybe your mom would too.
I mentioned chocolate was a way to my mom’s heart. I usually just grabbed a Hershey bar, as that was her favorite, but she really wasn’t too picky about chocolate. She was a big fan. Hannanshampergifts has some great chocolate gift boxes, some starting at very affordable prices. Alternatively, The Happiness Bakery has large brownie slabs, if your mom prefers bakery goods to chocolate bars. These can even be personalized.
You can upgrade your chocolate options with some of these book + chocolate and other treat options that are wrapped up super cute from sellers like Luttoncrafts and You’ll Find Me Reading.
It’s no surprise that my mom loved candles – it must be a hereditary trait. However, in honor of my mom, all of these candles are vanilla, which I am not at all a fan of, but she loved. WaxonFire has a classic simple vanilla candle. Some smaller tea light sized can be found at Pamme2son. Or you can really spoil your mom with a deluxe 3-wick candles from The Pure Scent.
Animal Shaped Jugs
This is a weird one, but I did mention this list is based on my relationship with my mom. Over the years, while I was traveling I would bring her animal shaped jugs after she requested a fish jug, like the one made by Park View Gift Shop here, when I first moved to England. I also found her a magic camel pitcher in Tunisia where you put one beverage in the pitcher, flip it upside down, put another liquid in and when you pour it – it mixes them together. Perfect for Jack & coke! …or Arnold Palmers. I think she really would’ve enjoyed these whale shaped jugs by AlfieFrancis.
As I make this list, I am struck again by how much I’m turning into my mom as I get older, because any of those things sound good to me too (maybe just not vanilla for the candles).