Making Your Home Smell Appealing For Viewings


Buying a new home is an exciting time in our lives. We have the opportunity to grow and change our lifestyle, and find a house that has all of the essential features we need. 

When buying a house there are a lot of things to think about such as the stamp duty, getting a real estate buyers advocate, and finding new furniture for your new place. 

One stressful part of buying a new house is selling your old one, and today we want to take a look at some of the ways you can make your home smell welcoming and fresh when people come to view it. This is such a simple job for you to do but can be the difference between a sale and no sale. 

Use essential oils 

Most of us at home have either an air purifier or a dehumidifier, and both of these items perform a similar job in the form of taking dust and debris out of the air and pumping out fresh air for us to breathe. To elevate your home and add some fresh scents to the whole space, you can add a few drops of your favourite essential oils to the air filter and allow this to be spread around the house. 

Boil herbs 

There are so many amazing ways to make the house smell amazing in a natural way and one of the most popular is to fill a pan with boiling water and simmer a mixture of herbs and spices in the pan for 30 minutes or so. You can generate a mix of herbs such as rosemary and thyme, and even spices such as cloves and cinnamon. Depending on the time of year you can create a fresh herby smelling home or a warm spice filled one in no time at all. 

Light candles 

Candles are the ultimate way to make a home feel cosy in minutes and there are so many amazing scented candles to choose from for your home. By placing a few candles around the house with some fresh scents, you’ll be able to make your house smell welcoming when people come for a viewing. 

Clean with baking soda 

One of the biggest sources of a musty smell in your house is the carpet. Your carpets get a lot of foot fall throughout the week and it is important for you to clean them regularly to stop them becoming musty and smelly. To clean the carpets effectively you can use baking soda which will effectively pick up the bad smells of the carpet and allow you to wash it away. Sprinkle baking soda on the carpets and leave for 30 minutes before vacuuming up and your carpets will smell good as new. 

Make coffee 

If your house is smelling a little stale and you want to make a quick change, one of the easiest things you can do is brew up. Coffee beans smell amazing and they will give the whole house a lovely fresh aroma within minutes. 

Use flowers 

We all know that having plants in the house is a good way to keep the home ventilated and to make it feel fresh. But one of the easiest ways to make the house smell like spring in minutes is to bring a bouquet of flowers into the home. You can bring some seasonal flowers into the home for a lovely bright feel, and choose flowers such as lilies to make the whole house smell beautiful and floral. There are loads of fragrant flowers to choose from so take a look and see what you fancy. 

Make a diffuser 

You can make a simple reed diffuser by getting yourself a glass jar, some skewers, and a mixture of alcohol and essential oils. Mix and match a few different essential oil scents to make something that is fun and unique to your home. It will last for a few weeks with any luck and it will easily make the home smell great. 

Cook oranges and vanilla 

If you have ever used orange slices to decorate your home during the winter you will already know how amazing it makes the house smell. If not, you can slow cook orange slices in the oven for a couple of hours to make the whole house smell fresh and fruity. If you would prefer a sweet and creamy scent, vanilla is ideal and it will be a wonderful scent to fill the house with. You can either bake vanilla pods slowly in the oven or use a few tablespoons of extract and boil this in a pan. 

Use fabric conditioner on the radiator

One great cleaning tip is to grab a spray bottle and fill it with a mix of half fabric softener and half water. By spraying this concoction all over your door frames, skirting boards, and radiators – the home will smell brand new and fresh all day long. 

Get cleaning 

One easy way to make the house immediately smell beautiful is to clean the house thoroughly. You can get cleaning with bleach that has a lemon scent or even use lemon itself to clean the home in a more natural way. Whatever you choose, cleaning the house and your kitchen worktops will make the house smell clean and fresh. 

Drop essential oils in the bin 

If you have a fairly modern bin, there may be a small compartment at the top that allows you to fill a sponge with essential oil and place it inside. If not, simply get some cotton wool and add essential oils and drop this into the bottom of the bin. It will make a huge difference! 

Get baking 

If you want to make your whole house smell like rich chocolate, the best thing you can do is bake an indulgent cake. Chocolate cake is the most amazing dessert and sweet treat, and you’ll be able to not only make your home smell great but also enjoy a tasty dessert too! It’s a win win!

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