STEM topics (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) aren’t typically subjects for young children – but that doesn’t mean it isn’t useful, engaging, and fun to introduce them to the very basics concepts underpinning them at an early age.
In fact, fostering an early interest in STEM subjects can be the start of a deep interest later on in life, and being such a broad category, there are a ton of exciting ways to get started. In this article, you’ll learn the methodology behind introducing these subjects in creative and exciting ways!
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Out of all the STEM subjects, science is perhaps the most varied. It also tends to be the topic that children are most naturally drawn to. Here are some ways you can foster an interest in your children:
Experiments are always the number one go-to when it comes to teaching your children about science. Kids love getting messy, and simple activities, like making invisible ink with lemon juice or a model volcano with baking soda and vinegar, provide the perfect opportunity to have fun while learning.
Outdoor Adventures
In many cases, the most accessible forms of science come from your own back yard. Encouraging children to collect and inspect leaves with a magnifying glass, spot insects, and identify birds are great ways of fostering an interest in the sciences of the natural world.
Every kid loves a captivating story, and these days, there are many children’s books that weave in key scientific topics as part of the narrative – whether that be space exploration, evolution, and more.
Technology has become a huge part of modern life, and given that it’s only going to become even more important over time, digital literacy is an essential skill. Here are a few ideas for helping your kids embrace the topic:
Coding and programming are becoming increasingly valuable skills. It’s a very complex area, but with educational platforms such as Scratch, Bee-Bot, and more, there are more ways than ever to introduce the subject in an approachable manner to young children.
Tech Projects
There are plenty of great kits out there to help kids get to grips with the workings of modern technology. For example, companies like LittleBits enable children to learn simple electronics through buildable activities.
Robotics kits offer a great opportunity for kids to begin a well-rounded education surrounding the subject of technology. They’re the perfect choice for those looking for a hands-on approach, and encompass a broad spectrum of topics within the field.
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Boiled down to its most simple components, engineering is simply about building things and solving problems, and there are many methods for exploring that:
Toys like LEGO and Mega Bloks offer the perfect opportunity to puzzle through basic engineering concepts, and even simpler, you could use basic materials like cardboard and paper to build some really cool stuff.
Engineering Kits
Engineering kits enable children to build a whole manner of basic machines that utilize pully systems, leavers, and buttons in fun ways. Seeing a project through to completion offers a satisfying challenge for kids, inotudcing them to the basic concepts of engineering.
Taking Things Apart
Helping your child take apart basic items and put them back together again can offer a fun engineering challenge. From old cameras to wind-up watches, there’s a whole world of fun in the most everyday objects.
Math can be an intimidating subject, and it’s typically one of the most difficult to make fun. That said, there are still plenty of possibilities if you get creative:
Counting Games
A really simple way to make maths less daunting is to teach through simple counting games, using toys, shapes, beads, or even snacks to tackle addition and subtracting. These are great hands on math activities for kindergarten, and you can get creative with stories and different scenarios to make things more engaging.
Math in Everyday Life
One of the most seamless ways to get mathematical concepts across to children is to use everyday activities, such as baking or grocery shopping. The basics of addition and subtraction can be found everywhere.
Interactive Apps
Most kids these days – even very young ones – are acutely familiar with tablet and smart phone devices, and these can be used to teach in an engaging, familiar format. Apps like Mathseeds, with it’s bright visuals and clever problem-solving tasks, have proven a big hit with children.
Wrapping Up
Despite STEM subjects being known for their complexity, there’s plenty you can do to help your children develop an interest through use of these fun, simple, yet highly effective activities. Of course, it’s important to remember the above is just a sampling: there are plenty of other clever ways to make STEM topics fun, so get creative and see what you can come up with on your own!