Keeping On Top Of Life When The Worst Happens

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When something tragic happens in our lives, it can take the wind out of our sails. You might have everything in hand and feel as though you are on top of life, and then something occurs to emotionally catapult you to places you don’t want to be.

This kind of setback could come in the form of grief, separation, accident or financial worries, and whatever the issue it could have a knock-on effect on other aspects of your life. When stresses and worries build up, they can affect relationships and our ability to manage our lives and finances. A vicious circle could form, and you might feel completely powerless to take back control of your life. 

There are ways of regaining your hold on the reins though. Taking stock of your life and individually looking at each area will allow you to create a plan and set yourself simple goals to retain some stability. 

Talking About Your Problems

Very often, when things go wrong, we don’t like to talk about it. Instead, very often, we feel inclined to ‘keep calm and carry on.’ We may think that to go around talking about all of our problems is a bit unseemly, or that nobody would want to hear about it. Very often, not facing our challenges will mean that they can build up and simmer under the surface, and when they emerge the emotions that form will be unmanageable. 

It is essential to talk about anything bad that you are going through. Turning to a friend, family member, or partner for advice is no bad thing at all, and you should ask yourself the question of how you would treat someone who came to you with your problem. 

Talking about our issues can often put them into a new context. Often when we’ve got an issue locked in our minds, we go over it and over it, but quite often fixate on the same angle. Having another person listen and offer advice might give you a different perspective. 

Seek Professional Guidance

Whatever life throws at you, other people will have been affected by it too. Speak with your doctor if you are struggling with stress or depression. Coping with mental health issues is hard and should be treated in the same way as any other illness. Doctors deal with assisting many others who struggle with life’s hardships, and there is no shame in asking for help.

If your problem requires legal assistance, look online for tips on finding a personal injury lawyer or divorce attorney. For financial issues, find your local debt support charity and seek advice. And if your problem is career-related, there are unions and recruitment consultants who can help with any situation. 

Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Knowing your limits is important when you are having a hard time in life. Don’t push yourself too hard, and don’t expect too much from yourself. Setting your bar too high is inviting failure, and when this happens, it can bring you down even more. Be realistic, and if you can’t manage to do all of the things in life that you usually do, think about scaling back your commitments, or asking for assistance from those around you. 

Look After Number One

Take a step back and ask yourself if you are looking after yourself as much as you should be. If you are not eating well, then you will end up getting tired and run down very quickly. Bad habits can form when we are at our lowest ebb, and it’s vital to practice self-care by planning our meals and sticking to regular eating patterns. 

Exercise. You may not feel like getting up and moving, but regular movement that raises your heart rate will make you feel better. The chemicals in your brain produced through exercise will give you a good feeling, and provide you with energy and motivation to get on with the things you need to be doing. 

Having a hard time in life can leave us feeling sorry for ourselves somewhat. We might be taking the blame for things and feel a great deal of guilt about a situation. If this is the case, talk it out with a therapist or somebody that you trust, holding onto negative feelings such as guilt can be detrimental to your health. Allow yourself the opportunity to deal with your emotions and move on from them. Healing is hard work, but with the right planning and support, it is always possible. 


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