How To Protect Your Home When You Work Away

Some jobs require you to work away from home for periods of time. Whether that is one night or for a few months, you will want to know that your home is completely protected against burglars. Coming home after a while away at work and seeing that your property has been broken into is a terrible feeling that you’ll never forget, no matter how hard you try. 

Here are some useful tips on keeping your home safe even when you’re not there so that after you have been working hard, you know you have somewhere secure and comfortable to come back to.  

Image from Pixabay 

Hide The Signs 

There will be signs that tell others that there is no one home. These include:

  • Mail piling up on the mat
  • Leaflets hanging out of the door
  • Blinds and drapes not being pulled 
  • Lights staying off (or on)

To ensure that these things don’t happen, speak to a good neighbor or a nearby friend and see if they can come round and tidy everything up for you. They’ll need to do this at different times each day, however, so that if anyone is watching, they’ll know there isn’t a set schedule. Don’t forget to take them out for a nice dinner or buy them a gift to say thanks, of course, and return the favor when they need it too. 

Other ideas include setting your lighting on timer switches, for example, and letting a neighbor park in your spot. If you don’t need your vehicle, take a cab to the airport or your place of work and leave your car parked outside your home – it will be off-putting to potential thieves if they think you’re at home. 


It’s not just thieves that you need to be careful of; if you’re not at home to keep an eye on everything because your job as a pilot, salesperson, or your high paying truck driver jobs (among many others) stops you from coming home each night, then damage can occur. One of the most significant hazards is fire. 

To prevent fire, make sure you unplug everything at the socket (except for any lights you want to have coming on and off to show the house isn’t empty, and the fridge and freezer, of course). Not only will this keep everything safer, but it will save you money on your bills too – there’s no point in paying for electricity if you’re not at home to use it. 

Don’t Tell The World 

Social media is a wonderful thing, but it can cause a lot of problems too. If you always post on it when you’re going to be away from home, you are effectively broadcasting your absence to the world (even if you have great privacy settings, a friend of a friend could potentially still find out that you’ll be away). 

If you have photos to share, wait until you’re back home to do it; if you’re working, you can then concentrate on what you’re doing (and you probably shouldn’t be using social media anyway), and if you’re on vacation you can enjoy the day rather than constantly be staring at a screen. Everyone wins.

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