How To Make 2022 The Year Your Business Skyrockets To Success

According to recent studies, the number of small businesses formed in the US annually has grown considerably over the past two years. This growth is likely spiked by the COVID-19 pandemic, wherein thousands of Americans lost their jobs and were forced to seek alternative employment. While this was undoubtedly a difficult time for many, the rapid growth of entrepreneurship within the country is a testament to strength, determination and grit. 

Therefore, if you are one of the thousands of business owners who opened your doors (or your website) over the past two years: congratulations. You’ve taken your company through its formative stages, and that is something that deserves to be praised. However, with the new year soon upon us, it’s time to take that to the next level and grow your business.

With that in mind, here are some top tips and tricks that you can use to make 2022 the year your small businesses skyrockets towards success!

Focus on your employees. 

As a manager, you probably spend a lot of time lecturing your staff on the ways in which they can improve the customer experience. After all, your customers are essentially your form of income, and it’s important that you encourage them to make repeat purchases. However, believe it or not, your company’s success often relies more on your employees than the customers themselves. 

As a result, if you want to grow your business in the new year, it’s time to take an employee-centric approach. One way in which you can do that is by creating a friendly, positive working environment – as this is the kind of atmosphere that fosters productivity. To do this, you could invest in software such as Motivosity, that allows your workforce to connect on a deeper level, even when working from home.  For example, this software will enable users to leave positive reviews and feedback on their colleagues’ work, which is great for improving workplace morale. It can also be used to make collaborative projects run smoothly. 

You should also find as many ways as possible to invest in employee development, as career progression is one of the most critical factors of long-term employee retainment. For example, you could cover the cost of additional training on your employees’ behalf. This does far more than pad out their CV for their next job interview, as it means that you have a more talented team at your disposal who will, in turn, be able to push your business in the right direction. You could also set up a workplace mentoring scheme that allows newer employees to develop their skills in a supportive environment without feeling too much pressure. 

Launch a new online campaign. 

Every business owner is aware that being online is good for your business, especially as most of us are glued to our phones in our daily lives. However, while you may be planning a digital detox in the new year, your business can’t afford to spend any time unplugged. As a result, you should aim to launch a new online campaign in early 2022 so that you can start off the year on solid ground. This way, you’ll be able to introduce your brand or products to potential buyers right away, who then have plenty of time throughout the year to make a purchase. 

Learn the benefits of outsourcing. 

When you run a small business, it’s likely that you’re pretty selective about the employees you welcome to the team. After all, your company is like your baby – and you can’t just hand your child over to anyone. However, as your business grows, so will your workload, which could quickly lead to overburdened, overworked employees. As a result, you need to ensure that you’re able to handle this increase in customers and in many ways, outsourcing is the easiest way to do this. When you outsource the tasks you don’t have time for, not only are you lightening your workload, but you’re also handing over the duties to someone who is an expert in their field. This means the job will be completed to a much higher standard. Think about it seriously – would you rather your administrative assistant or your account handle your taxes? 

Update your business plan.

While you don’t need to consult your business plan every single day, you also shouldn’t let it gather dust at the back of some filing cabinet. In fact, experts recommend that every company updates their business plan at least once a year. This is due to the fact that as your company grows, your plan should change accordingly. Furthermore, each time you tick one of your long-term goals off the list, you need to find a new goal to take its place. This stops you from becoming complacent by ensuring that you have something to work towards. 

Cover the basics, then start investing.

Once you begin to earn more money, it’s crucial that you know exactly what to do with it. For starters, you should ensure that all of your expenses are covered – from supplies to employees salaries and so on. However, as you have more and more money left over each month, it’s time to start reinvesting these funds to fuel the growth of your company. For example, you might want to use this extra money to work on scaling your small business out of the home by finding (or buying) an office or workspace. Alternatively, you might want to start investing in new time-saving technology that will improve workplace efficiency. While spending money can seem a little daunting (especially if you want your savings to grow), remember that you’re investing in the future of your company – and sometimes, you need to spend a little in order to earn a lot. 

Ask your customers for feedback.

Another way in which you can set your business up for success in the new year is by taking the time to reconnect with your customers, especially if you suspect that your target audience has changed somewhat over the past few months. After all, if you aren’t marketing your products correctly, you can’t expect your sales to grow. Getting feedback from your consumers (both positive and negative) will let you know what changes need to be made and help you decide the best course of action. Thankfully, consumers tend to be pretty vocal when given a chance to speak – meaning you shouldn’t find it too hard to get the information you are looking for. For example, you could send emails requesting feedback after each purchase or invite customers to participate in focus groups. 

In some cases, you may want to offer an incentive for those who choose to give their feedback, such as a discount or free product, as this means you’ll receive more responses. Either way, bringing your customers into the conversation is a great way to grow your business as it shows them that you genuinely care about their thoughts and opinions. It also gives you the chance to right any wrongs. 

In short, there are various steps you can take to make 2022 the best year possible for your business. However, it’s also important to remember that no matter what happens, you must remain focused. Don’t let a few difficult days or weeks distract you from your long term goal – and you only have to look at how far you’ve come already to show that perseverance does pay off. Stay focused, stay positive, and 2022 will be YOUR year.

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