How To Keep Your Blog Relevant In 2020

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay 

With a very saturated market, it is not difficult to see why you might be worried about your blog and if it’s still worth doing. Well, the short answer is yes, it is still worth doing and here’s a few stats to show you why: companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website; 57% of marketers say they’ve gained customers specifically through blogging; companies that blog receive 434% more indexed pages; 409 million readers view more than 22.2 billion blog posts overall each month and blogs increase website traffic by up to six times. 

However, there are some challenges you need to overcome, and one of them is that bloggers are often grouped together, and they really shouldn’t be. People blog about so many different things, such as careers, health trends, kids, sports, bargains to look out for, food, fitness, and what they think of the political issues in the world. There really is nothing that you can’t blog about, and that is what is so great about blogging, there is a space for anyone who wants to fill it. 

For those who enter it, though, you quickly realize that it’s an incredibly strong community where support is rife, and people are really lovely. Bloggers welcome feedback, and ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ are often reciprocated. Of course, there will be some ‘trolls,’ but in general, the blogosphere is a very good place to be…and it’s soaring, with over 2 million blog posts published daily. You will have to keep your blog moving and improving if you want it to stay relevant and people to keep reading it. So, in 2020, how can you do that? 

Grow With Your Audience

Your audience will grow and change, and you need to adapt to them rather than expect them to adapt to you. Data and social media mean you can really get to know and understand the people who are reading your blog, and automation is changing Google Ads by learning to understand your audience, keywords, and even intent to help you develop more targeted ads that can really help your blog’s success.

Use More Visuals

70% of marketers report that content incorporating visual and video assets performed better than those without. This is because people’s brains are programmed to understand information better when presented in a picture or video format. Also, readers are more likely to share content that has images and videos as opposed to content without. However, this doesn’t mean you don’t also need content; you still need great content. It just needs to incorporate high-quality visual elements. 

Choose Quality Over Quantity

With the internet consisting of a million blogs, there’s a need to write new and unique content. Your blog posts must be attractive in content where users can keep coming back to it. If you don’t produce distinguishable content, then Google will not consider it. As mentioned, there are so many different types of blogs, and sometimes blogging gets a bad reputation for being pretentious. However, in reality, a top-quality blog is actually very hard work and requires a lot of thought, planning, effort, and execution.

You need to start blogging with a purpose and not just for the sake of blogging. All you have to do is focus on the content and the marketing of your blogs. High-quality content and strong SEO is more critical for a blog’s success than a niche.

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