How To Keep Fleet Costs Down

Have you just taken on a new role in fleet management, or do you have future plans to do so? You may be one of the fortunate people of 2022 in that you have acquired a new job or have been promoted in your current position. Or perhaps you are the proprietor of your own company and are tasked with the responsibility of managing your own fleet. In either case, one thing is certain: you are going to be looking for all of the potential ways to reduce the expenses of fleet management down as much as possible, all while ensuring that your drivers and the public are kept safe, and that productivity and efficiency are not hampered in any way.

In this piece, we will discuss what “fleet management” is, as well as what steps you may take to reduce expenses without sacrificing product quality or driver well-being.


What is fleet management?

The administration of commercial vehicles and other assets is referred to as “fleet management.” It is a generic term that refers to the activities and procedures that are involved in the management of a fleet of vehicles, such as executive corporate cars or trucks. Those in charge of fleet management are responsible for monitoring a variety of aspects, including the following: the tracking of vehicles; the utilization of assets; the maintenance of vehicles; the dispatch of vehicles; the management of drivers; driver safety; compliance with regulations; and the control of costs.

What are some ways that the costs of operating a fleet can be reduced?

As is the case with other areas of running a business, it is essential to keep costs as low as feasible. When it comes to cars operating on public roads, however, safety must be of the utmost priority, and efficiency and productivity must be a very close second. Although it may be difficult to achieve a balance between the two, a fleet manager does have some options available to cut costs associated with the fleet.

Cut down the size of the fleet.

It has been demonstrated time and again that decreasing the number of vehicles in a fleet is the most effective approach to lower total expenditures. It is fairly evident. Take stock of the vehicles you own and ask yourself how essential it is to keep them. If you remove these vehicles from your fleet, you will no longer be responsible for any of the fixed expenditures; but, this will place additional strain on the vehicles that are still in use. This will result in a modest rise in the daily operational expenses. However, provided that you are still able to supply the same service in a secure manner, the net drop in total expenses associated with operating the fleet should be worthwhile.

Take into account the price of upkeep.

The majority of the time, fleet managers will steadfastly adhere to the predetermined routines and plans for preventative maintenance because they believe it to be necessary. In many instances, they have become obsolete. You should, of course, follow up with any legal maintenance and service schedules; nevertheless, you should chat to your maintenance providers to determine whether or not you can lengthen the time intervals between preventative maintenance practices.

Instead of wasting time and money trying to figure out what the problem is with your vehicles and spending time mending things that may not even be the source of the issue, you should bring your vehicles in for truck diagnostics as soon as something goes wrong with them. If you can get to the bottom of a problem quickly and precisely, you will have a much easier time fixing it and getting it back on the road as quickly as possible.

Reduce mileage

This is one of the more difficult areas to keep under control, but if you exercise caution, you may make adjustments and reductions here. If you let employees take company vehicles home with them, you need to have a personal-use policy in place to ensure that the vehicles are not being utilized for unnecessary personal outings. Even if they pay for the fuel expenditures out of their own money, the additional mileage and wear and tear on the car will cause the resale value to fall.

Additionally, you are required to collaborate with other departments within the firm and make use of business reports in order to carefully plan journeys with the goal of minimizing the amount of time spent driving in both directions. You may also investigate whether or not the company needs to be conducting face-to-face transactions at this time; instead of traveling long distances for meetings, would it be possible to hold them electronically instead?

In addition to this, GPS can also be used to plan a journey in the most time- and money-efficient manner and suggest alternate routes when they are required. You might also adopt something called mileage auditing, which discourages drivers from using the vehicle when it is not required. In other words, it saves you money.

Reduce your acquisition costs

The cost of purchasing automobiles is typically the expense that contributes the most significantly to the overall cost of operating a fleet. The majority of businesses either lease or buy their vehicles.

Simply put, purchasing automobiles necessitates a significant up-front financial investment. This may necessitate the use of funds that would be better put to use in other areas, particularly in the beginning stages of creating your company, or the acquisition of some form of loan to meet the expenditures. If you choose to purchase all of your company’s vehicles outright, you should evaluate this procedure on a regular basis to ensure that you are making the most of the money available to your company. Your automobiles are a depreciating asset, meaning their value begins to decrease as soon as they are driven away from the dealership, and their prices are subject to wide swings.

If the ownership of vehicles is not essential to the operation of your business, you might wish to investigate leasing as an option. There are several options for fleet leasing, and many of them offer significant cost reductions when purchasing multiple vehicles. Because it is considerably simpler to create a budget with this method of vehicle procurement, and because it gives you access to a newer and wider selection of vehicles than you would have if you bought fleet vehicles outright, there has been a significant shift toward this form of vehicle buying.

Encourage fuel efficient driving

In the short term, it will be more expensive for you because you might need to pay for additional training, but in the long term, if your employees take it on board, it will end up saving you a significant amount of money. It has been estimated that encouraging workers to develop better driving habits could result in cost savings of up to fifteen percent. You can keep an eye on the costs of fuel by using a fleet card. Some examples of fuel efficient driving are as follows:

  • Having a working knowledge of how to effectively use gears
  • Bringing the pace down anywhere you can
  • Making sure the tires have the appropriate amount of pressure in them
  • Putting an end to the use of the air conditioner
  • Getting rid of any extra weight that is not necessary
  • When you are stopped in traffic, be sure the engine is turned off.
  • Road conditions should be anticipated as far in advance as feasible.
  • Earlier braking

However, if you put some of these suggestions into action, you just might be able to uncover some savings that you can reinvest in other parts of the company. This is because fleet management is always going to be expensive because it is the very nature of the activity.

2 thoughts on “How To Keep Fleet Costs Down

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