How to Improve Company Culture

When we talk about successful businesses, we mention bottom lines, competitive hiring processes, and exceeding goals. But the truth of the matter is that there isn’t likely to be anything to talk about at all if your morale is suffering. Business owners and CEOs are so busy working on financial forecasts and stock market prices that they often don’t realize when employees have become unhappy. And that can be the kiss of death, as discontent within departments can spread like a disease. If this describes your company or the company you work at, we can help. Read on for ways to improve company culture and get back on track.

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Hire Good Employees From Day One

It’s true that your company is only as strong as its weakest employee. It’s a lot like being a landlord in that, the last thing you want to do in that role is to keep filling vacancies, as it costs you time and money. The same goes for employers. Spend the time researching quality candidates, use trusted companies like ShareAble for Hires, a new brand from Transunion, for background screening, and make sure your job recruiters and hiring managers are asking all the right questions. Also, don’t hesitate to go for those second or third interviews, as candidates understand that you want to get it right the first time (and so do they!).

Enlist Fun Fridays (Or the Like)

All work and no play makes Jack (and everyone else) dull. Employees will get burned out in no time if you expect a lot of work and even long hours, with no fun in sight. Think about having Fun Fridays in the office. You could order in or do it potluck style. Some companies will even bring in beer and wine and have live music play. However you want to let this play out, employees will appreciate it. And if you don’t think you can manage every Friday, consider having it on a bi-weekly basis.

You could also encourage folks to hang out outside the office with company happy hours, socials, and leagues. Another thing to consider that’s both good for morale and, let’s face it, for your company profile is group philanthropy. From Habitats for Humanity to helping out at soup kitchens, the possibilities for improving culture through company philanthropy are endless.

Offer Incentives

Most people are very goal-oriented, so it’s good to set team goals. Once these goals are reached, you might let these team members have something like an extra day off every month (or at least a few times a year). If your company is doing well once you hit the summer months, consider offering early-out days on Fridays. What you’ll lose in man-hours, you’ll easily gain in employee happiness.

There’s No Such Thing As a Free Lunch (But it Helps)

Things like this might be considered small perks but for people who pack their lunch every day or pay through the nose for expensive lunches nearby, offering a free meal even once a week is a huge bonus. You could order in, hire a personal chef, or have it catered. Whatever you choose, your employees will love the break this offers them.

Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 2.26.25 PM Insist on Vacation Time

Some companies might let vacation time roll over at the year’s end or let employees change this in for money. However, we highly advise that you instill a policy that mandates vacation is taken by the year’s end. Some people are born workaholics but even these people are prone to burnout. Help them to avoid this with a policy like this, and watch them return to their desks renewed and refreshed.

You should also encourage employees to fully disconnect when on vacation. As Senior Manager at Plante Moran in Chicago notes via, “Checking email on vacation is a difficult habit to break. Setting boundaries and communicating those boundaries and living up to them—if you don’t check email while you are on vacation, people will figure that out, and they won’t expect you to.”

Offer Professional Development

Whether you bring professionals in for regular workshops or offer reimbursement for relevant classes taken online or at nearby colleges, this shows your employees you believe in them. Not only that, but it indicates that you are fully invested in them. Think of offering ones just for fun, too. From yoga workshops and cooking classes to onsite massages and palm readings, whimsical activities like this offer a major morale boost.

If your company culture is bleak, you need to nip that in the bud right away. Try one or all of these tips and watch morale—and in turn, productivity—soar.

One thought on “How to Improve Company Culture

  1. I totally agree to these points. That’s why I really do appreciate the efforts the company i’m currently employed in is doing. We spend friday mornings playing some card games that really just lifts our spirits after the dragging monday-thursday work. We also have game nights, either board games of sports. These kind of things are really important ot the employees. Anyways, great read!

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