How To Encourage Your Children To Be More Creative

With COVID-19 restrictions beginning to ease across the world, this could mean that online schooling is also coming to a close. In fact, many students have already returned to in-person schooling after a year of sitting behind the screen. However, while these acts were essential in helping them to safely further their education, there are some skills and lessons that simply do not translate as well online as they do in person.

Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

For example, creativity is a skill that needs to be harnessed away from the computer as it evolves through play, experimentation, and freedom. As a result, this is a skill that your child may need to develop outside of the classroom (though they can later carry this over into their work). While it may not seem as important as learning their times’ tables, creativity is a skill that can enhance your child’s life right through to adulthood – it encourages them to take risks, solve problems and express themselves in new and unique ways. 

With that in mind, here are some simple ways in which you can encourage your children to be more creative in their daily lives! 

  • Ensure that you are feeding your child’s love of books as much as possible. This is due to the fact that reading (no matter what genre) often fosters a great deal of creativity and imagination in younger people (and adults).  For example, you could set aside some time each night to read together or encourage them to read a book before bed.  Making reading part of your daily routine is also a great way to support your child’s learning journey
  • In school, your children are likely taught that there is a right from a wrong – which often encourages them not to take risks. However, it’s important to let them know that you’re allowed to change things up a little when being creative. Furthemore, if they take a risk and it doesn’t work out – teach them to view it as a lesson rather than a mistake. 
  • Encourage them to express their creativity in as many different ways as possible. For example, they could attend dance or theatre classes or simply spend some time painting. If they are always telling imaginative stories, then you might want to get your hands on some creative writing worksheets and exercises that can encourage them to take this one step further. For example, this could include exercises that encourage them to think of as many different adjectives as possible, but you can check out more here. Who knows, you might have a budding author on your hands! 
  • One way in which you can teach your child important lessons is by leading by example – so don’t be afraid to be creative in your own life too. For example, instead of encouraging your child to engage in creative play alone – do it together! Set up an arts and crafts table in your home, or play make-believe in your garden. This is a great way to spend some quality time together as a family.

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