How To Craft The Perfect Resume: What Employers Look For and How To Stand Out

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Crafting the perfect resume is crucial in landing the job of your dreams. It can be intimidating to consider showcasing your experiences, qualifications, and skills in a way that stands out to employers. However, with an average of 1118 applicants per job, you need to stand out from the competition to get the desired role. Research also suggests that the average jobseeker takes around 100-200 applications to receive an interview, whether using traditional methods such as popular job boards or an Indeed alternative. Read on to learn more about what employers are looking for on your resume.

Roles and Responsibilities

When you are crafting your resume, you want to ensure that you include roles and responsibilities relevant to the job you are applying for. Employers want to see that you have the skills and qualifications necessary to do the job well while also seeing how they align with the job description. If you have experience with similar roles and responsibilities, even if they are related to a different industry, then include them on your resume. Suppose you don’t have experience directly applicable to the job you are applying for. In that case, it is essential to show how your experience is transferable and will benefit the company. You can include extra information about your experience and how it applies to the job you are applying for. You can have any relevant coursework, volunteer experience, and skills to support your application and show how they are relevant to the position.


Each section of your resume should highlight your experience and help you stand out from the competition. In your experience section, you want to include your job title, company name, and the location where you worked. You want to ensure that your experience is relevant to the job that you are applying for and that it highlights your skills. When selecting which experience to highlight, it is essential to choose experiences that showcase your strengths and transferable skills. You also want to ensure that your experience aligns with the job description and requirements. It is also essential to consider the order in which you present your experience on your resume. While there are no hard and fast rules regarding which experience should be listed first, it can be beneficial for interviewers to see your history chronologically.


Employers want to see that you have the right skills and qualifications to do the job well while also seeing how they align with the job description. If you have skills relevant to the position you are applying for, they should be included on your resume. You can include any relevant coursework, volunteer experience, and skills to support your application and show how they are relevant to the position. You also want to ensure that you organize your skills in a way that makes sense and is easy for employers to navigate. You can use skills bullet points to organize your experience and skills into subsections. You can also use skills keywords to help you optimize your resume and make it easier for employers to find you. Including relevant keywords in your resume can help employers find your application and move you to the top of the list.


Including achievements on your resume is a great way to showcase your skills and abilities while demonstrating the value you can bring to the company. There are several different types of achievements that you can include on your resume. These include academic achievements, awards and recognition, leadership experience, and more. You want to ensure that the successes you list are relevant to the job you are applying for and help you stand out. If you are currently in school, consider including academic achievements. You can include your GPA, honors or recognition, and relevant extracurricular activities. 


You will likely have opportunities to pursue different options and job roles during your career. Knowing what employers are looking for on a resume can help you to have the best chance of getting the job roles you want in the future.

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