How Much Does Lazy Cost?

How Much Does Lazy Cost?

How Much Does Lazy Cost? | brokeGIRLrich

Have you guys ever noticed how a little bit of preplanning can go a long way?

Like, there are days where I lay out my clothes the night before. I make sure everything I need to start the day is prepped. I made lunch for the next day before hand. I know I’m probably going to grab dinner or a drink with friends after work, so I throw the coupon I clipped for the place in my wallet or check out Groupon for a good deal the night before.

I feel like these days go so smoothly. It’s an easy day full of wins and it took almost no effort on my part the night before.

Then there are some days I just can’t be bothered prepping anything in advance and my whole day goes ballistic. The shirt I grabbed looks super funny with the pants I picked but either I go the whole day looking and feeling a little funky or I wind up running late while I try to find an outfit that actually looks put together.

I wind up spending $50 on food cause I grab a coffee on the way to work, run out to grab a sandwich at lunch and I’m frazzled and fried on my way home so I grab some takeout.

For real, the older I get, the more I honestly can’t believe how much being just a little less lazy saves me money. And it’s not like some conspiracy theory, just a little organization goes a long way.

When things have a set spot, you waste less time looking for them and you waste less money replacing lost items.

Even little things like discounts from loyalty cards. Lose the card, never get the discount. Keep track of the card, get the discount.

Then there’s also all this time you actually free up by being just a little less lazy.

The other night, I went to my parents after work and as I wandered around their kitchen because I was hungry, I was also feeling 100% lazy. And all I kept thinking about was a Quick Check sandwich. I thought about how quick and easy it would be to go get one. Definitely easier than boiling water and cooking the pirogues I found.

I stopped and thought about it though and the effort to actually get in the car, drive 5-7 minutes each way, order, wait 5 minutes for the food…. I filled up the pot of water and made the pirogues. In reality, it took be about 1 minutes to put the pot on the stove. I watched TV and came back 5 minutes later to dump in the pirogues and went back to the TV for seven minutes until they were cooked for a grand total of 3 minutes of effort.

Sometimes quick and easy is a little misleading.

As I’m getting older, I find that I value time a lot. You can really do a lot with time. You can relax (I hear). You can write a blog post. You can play a board game with your family. You can call your internet provider and tell them you’re leaving if you don’t get a better rate. Ok, maybe most of us aren’t really gonna do that with our extra time, but you could. 

How much time could a little less lazy get you?

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