Hate Your Job? How To Decide What Career Would Be Better For You

Choosing a career path is something we can often be rushed into. Think about it; you’re 18, you’re signing up to university, and you’ve got a plan for your whole life ahead. But you’re only 18! And as you get older you’ll find your mind changing all the time, and you may even hate the field you end up in. But what can you do to make your circumstances better? Thankfully a lot! There are thousands of careers out there, and you’ve just got to be sure where you want to go next. Check out the points below to help you decide on that. 

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Figure Out What You Hate

What is it about your current job that drives you so crazy? Why do you want to leave? These are the two questions you need to figure out before you make any moves. After all, you’re looking for a new experience here, and you don’t want to accidentally trade one bad workplace for another! For example, if it’s your coworkers or the company culture that’s a problem, you can try looking into similar positions nearby that have more productive working conditions. 

Reach Out to Your Connections

Talking to the people in your network is always a good thing. It helps to keep those relationships fresh, and shows you who you can really depend on in the professional world. And because of that, now could be a good time to reach out and ask for a bit of advice. Do you know anyone else who’s switched careers? If so, what was their experience like, and how can you use that knowledge to help yourself? All you need to do here is have a chat. 

What Benefits Do You Need? 

You’ll also need to consider what you’re giving up here in exchange for a chance at doing something else. What kind of pay are you walking away from? What career opportunities could you leave behind? And most of all, what benefits package will you no longer have access to? Think about this when considering your career move; will you need benefits like health insurance, or something similar to FERS retirement choices if you’ve previously been a government worker? And how long can you go without these benefits? 

Don’t Limit Yourself

Treat this time in your life as a transitory period. As such, don’t limit yourself. Don’t let yourself fall into a new career just because it’s the first opportunity you come across. Try out a few different things, gain a few new skills, and see what’s out there that actually interests you. It’s an absolute privilege to have more than one path to go down, so why not try to explore them all? You’ll thank yourself later on when you secure a job that’s a dream to be a part of. 

If you want to quit your job, take some time to see what else is out there first. A new career path takes some effort to parse out!

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