Gone 2.0: How Much Money is Just Sitting Around Your Home?

Gone 2.0: How Much Money is Just Sitting Around Your Home?

Gone 2.0: How Much Money is Just Sitting Around Your Home? | brokeGIRLrich

I’ve been an avid eBay-er for years, but every time I write about it, I get comments about how complicated and time consuming the processes is. Craigslist, with fewer hoops to jump through, still takes a while to get a good listing and hunt down all the pertinent specs for whatever you’re trying to rid yourself of –

Enter Gone 2.0! This clever app can take the headache out of selling your junk treasures.

Snap a picture, select from a few quick options and Gone takes it from there. It hunts for the specs related to your item online and then lists your item across a myriad of platforms. You just hang out watching The Vampire Diaries intellectual documentaries while the offers come in.

Seriously? How can it have taken so long for someone to come up with this? With five minutes of effort, you can start de-cluttering your home, shoring up your emergency fund or building up an extra payment towards your debt!

On average, when I list a used video game or DVD on eBay, it takes forever: it’s a huge waste of time and a big hassle. I have to snap the picture, upload in onto their server, look up specs about the video (because, let’s face it, things just sell better when you actually write what they are) or a synopsis of the story, set all the shipping options, etc., etc., etc… it’s enough to just make you give up and decide buyonlinecheapmedications24.com you’ll deal with it later.

And, if you’re me, sometimes later turns into a year… or three. And that Nintendo DS you haven’t played in 5 years just continues to collect dust.

Gone 2.0 takes it step further by synching with your receipts for any current purchases. Whatever you buy on line, Gone registers, and makes you an offer. Whenever you are ready to sell you item, Gone can pull up the exact specs down to the number of days you’ve owned it to relist it accurately and spare you the trouble.

Another common (and valid) complaint about selling your stuff online is packaging it up and getting it to the post office. As someone who has spent many hours in the post office line shipping off eBay purchases and almost as much time hunting for the right packing materials, I’m really impressed by the fact that Gone offers you free shipping products and provides pick up at your home!

So – do you live in San Francisco or Austin, Texas? The app is already up and running there. But if you live in the rest of America, the app will be available May 6th. Download it now and vote for your state to be sure that it becomes one of the spots that gets Gone!


*This is a sponsored post, but what an awesome idea, right? We all know I’m for any kind of side hustle that helps up your bottom line – especially when it’s as easy as Gone makes it!**

15 thoughts on “Gone 2.0: How Much Money is Just Sitting Around Your Home?

  1. Oh my gosh, I saw this ad for Gone and I wanted it SO BAD! I can’t believe it’s only in 2 cities – looks like I will have to download and vote. I would 100% use Gone.

    I don’t even mind if they take a cut, because honestly, I don’t get out of work early enough to take my junk to the post office. I had to ask my poor Mom to ship my 2 holiday gifts to family members because I was just not going to make it. I have to sacrifice an entire Saturday morning if I want to ship anything, and that cuts into writing (and money-making). So for me, the cut Gone takes is probably going to be worth it.

    Thanks for covering this!
    Melissa @ Sunburnt Saver recently posted…Weekly UpdateMy Profile

  2. That is an awesome app. I have used CraigsList for larger items for local pickup and eBay for shippable items so I could sell to a larger market. Taking photos, doing a write-up and all the uploading does take a little time but I didn’t think much about it. This app does sound like a cool and easier way to sell stuff. I will have to give it a shot if it makes it here.
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