Five Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Hired and How to Change It

Have you ever felt like the world is going against you when you try to find a job? Perhaps you’re always being rejected no matter how good your resume is, or maybe you always find it uncomfortable when you reach the interview stage. Whatever the circumstances are, there are usually a couple of common denominators when it comes to why you’re not getting hired. In this article, we’re going to discuss five different reasons why you might be failing to land a job and how you can change it.

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  1. You don’t take the initiative

Don’t wait around for a job to come to you–go look for it! Search online, in multiple different newspaper advertisement sections, or even consider networking with people in the industry in order to find the job that you’re looking for. Being proactive means that you’re actively looking for a job and if you approach employers like this, they’ll be far more likely to trust you.

  1. You’re not selling yourself enough

In order to truly make an impact, you need to start selling yourself. This can be done in a number of ways, but we find that one of the most effective methods is to create a portfolio on websites like LinkedIn and show your skills and achievements in a concise and informative manner.

  1. You aren’t showing that you can be valuable to the company

One of the most important things to focus on when attending your interview or writing your CV and cover letter is to show that you can be valuable to the business you’re applying to. Talk about the skills you have and how they can apply to their workflow or company and show that you’re willing to adapt and grow your skills to fit their needs.

  1. Your past is holding you back

It could be a criminal record or poor references because you haven’t held a stable job–whatever the case is, it’s always possible that your past is the thing holding you back from finding a stable job. In a case like this, you may want to consider services such as a Canadian pardon to help clear your record if it’s stained, or to just continue looking and try to find an employer that doesn’t mind that you’ve got employment gaps in your resume.

  1. You haven’t looked online for more opportunities

Looking online can be a great way to find more job opportunities. This can happen through social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook or even Twitter, and you might be able to search for more jobs in your chosen industry with online job boards. There are plenty of opportunities on the internet, so remember to take advantage of them if you’re having trouble finding a job.

We know just how difficult it can be to find a job, especially if you don’t have a perfect record or all the right credentials. Hopefully, this article has helped you identify some weak points in your job applications so that you can improve them for the future and increase your chances of being hired.

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