First Stop, The Burj Khalifa: How to Finance Your Vacation to Dubai

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Need to get away?

Taking a vacation isn’t something that’s nice to do, but necessary. Only 60% of Americans took a vacation in 2017. If you’re one of them, all of that working isn’t good for you. You’re less productive and you could be on the verge of burning yourself out.

Traveling to Dubai can expose you to a new culture and lifestyle. Dubai is the home of luxury and you can experience that for yourself if you can finance your vacation. It’s not a place where you’d go if you’re on a budget.

Would you like to know how you can finance your vacation to Dubai?

Read this article to find out.

Why Vacation to Dubai?

Dubai is the biggest city within the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE consists of seven Emirates, along with Dubai. The other six are Abu Dhabi, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah, Fujairah, and Ajman.

Dubai is considered to be a beacon of wealth and luxury. That’s not to say that the wealth is due to oil, like other rich Emirates like Abu Dhabi.

Instead, Dubai saw most of its wealth come from the main port. As a way to keep up with the wealth of other Emirates, Dubai invested a ton of money into real estate and tourism. The local government of Dubai positioned it as a home of luxury.

That can be experienced throughout the city. You’ll witness incredible modern architecture, such as the Burj Al Arab. Designed to look like a ship at sea, you can see the sail towering about Dubai 1000 feet in the air.

That’s a remarkable feat of architecture and engineering. It’s also known as the most luxurious hotel in the world, with incredible service to match.

If you don’t want to spend too much on your room, you can always visit the observation deck at the hotel, giving you an incredible view of Dubai.

What is There to Do in Dubai?

Dubai was built with luxury in mind. There are dozens of modern luxury hotels, like the Armani Hotel (Yes, that Armani).

There’s also plenty of shopping to do. The Dubai Mall is a massive shopping complex and one of many other shopping malls in the area.

There is fun stuff to do, too. You might be surprised to learn that there’s a water park, aquarium, an indoor ski resort, indoor rain forest, and more. If you want to have a studio tour type of experience, you can. There’s Motiongate, which features rides and exhibits from three major studios – DreamWorks, Columbia, and Lionsgate.

If you want to experience local culture, there are sightseeing tours and you can ride a camel in the desert.

As you can see here there are endless possibilities to have a good time in Dubai. Now, how are you going to finance all of that luxury and opportunity, especially if your cash flow is low?

After all, you don’t want to go on the cheap with this vacation. You’re going to want to be able to indulge and enjoy yourself.

How to Budget Your Vacation

The first thing to do when you’re planning your vacation is your budget. You want to figure out how much your incredible journey is going to cost.

A lot of that will depend on where you stay, and where you eat. You are going to be in the most luxurious place in the world, and you want to at least get a little taste of it while you’re there.

While you could spend over $2000 a night at a hotel, you can find standard hotels in Dubai for much less.

Your flight to Dubai could be your largest expense, depending on where you’re flying from. From Europe, you can expect to pay around EUR 400. Flying from New York could cost anywhere from $800 to $1000 or more.

You’ll also need to budget for meals, transportation, gifts, activities, and shopping. All told, you could spend up to $5000 on your trip to Dubai per person.

Finance Your Vacation to Dubai

When you’re looking at ways to finance your vacation to Dubai, it may seem difficult, but it’s not impossible. Financing your vacation will take a lot of creativity, but it is possible to do.

How much work do you want to do? It’s an honest question that deserves an honest answer. That will be the best way to determine how you should pay for your vacation.

You could want to go now and don’t have a lot of money saved up. What are your options? You could put it on a credit card. It doesn’t take too much work to do.

The downside to charging your vacation is that you’re going to pay way more in interest. The average rate of credit card interest is over 16%. Is that really a smart option with your money?

Another option is to take out a short term loan to finance your vacation. These are loans that have a lower interest rate. Take a look at Bonsai Finance to find out more.

Finally, you can put in the work and become an influencer or travel blogger and travel for free. This takes a ton of work and patience, but if Dubai isn’t the only place on your bucket list, this can be an appealing way to travel.

Ready to Get Away?

Taking a vacation anywhere outside of the country is usually a once in a lifetime opportunity. Taking a trip into the lap of luxury is incredibly rare and you want to be in a position to enjoy every single moment.

Even if you don’t have a ton of many saved up, there are a lot of creative ways to finance your vacation. All you have to do is know which way is right for you and your situation.

Ready to plan your trip to Dubai? Check out these tips to make your travel money go further.

2 thoughts on “First Stop, The Burj Khalifa: How to Finance Your Vacation to Dubai

  1. Hi, Great tips!

    I came here from Pinterest and found your blog. Helpful tips for me because I am planning to travel Dubai and this is what I am looking for. Thanks for sharing and I’m tweeting this post.

  2. Great read Mel, I am planning for a Dubai and Abu Dhabi Trip with my family in the coming month, I know in Dubai budget could slip very easily out of hands. Thanks for sharing.

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