Welcome to Financially Savvy Saturdays, a blog hop created specifically for personal finance writers! We welcome all things money here. Whether you’ve written on anything from paying off debt to New Year’s Resolutions, you’re invited to link-up. If it ties into personal finance, we want to read it!
I’m so excited to be co-hosting this blog hop. They’re such a quick and easy way to find some great articles to read and get yours out there as well. They’re also pretty easy to find for mom bloggers, DIY-ers and cooking blogs, but you can’t really say the same for PF bloggers, so I think we’ve got something really special and unique here!
That being said, get the word out! Tweet about it. You can use #finsavsat when tweeting about the party!
Feature of the Week
As this week’s co-host, I was able to select my favorite post from last week’s party. My 1k Christmas: Christmas Club from Michelle at Fit Is The New Poor is the Feature of the Week. Click on the image to read her great post!
If you submit a link this week, your post could be highlighted in next week’s party!
We do have a couple of rules for participation. Those who don’t follow the rules will have their link taken down.
1. Your post must be written in the past seven days and not be a giveaway or otherwise sponsored.
2. Be sure to include a link to one of your hosts by copying and pasting the html in one of the boxes below into your linked up post. You have the option of the button or a text link.
3. Follow your hosts. You can follow Femme Frugality on Twitter OR by subscribing to her RSS feed via email. Also follow brokeGIRLrich on Twitter OR Facebook.
4. Comment on at least two other posts that have joined the party.

OR grab the text link here!
<em>*Part of Financially Savvy Saturdays on <a href="http://wp.me/p3TJm1-g4">Femme Frugality</a> and <a href=" https://brokegirlrich.com/?p=443">brokeGIRLrich</a>*</em>
Pingback: Financially Savvy Saturdays Nineteenth Edition | Femme Frugality
Wow! Thanks for picking me as the feature! I’m honored.
Michelle @fitisthenewpoor recently posted…Fostering a Pet: Best Freebie Ever!
Thanks for hosting! I found your blog hop via Stapler Confessions and came right over because I have a hard time finding frugal blog hops.
I do a frugal blog hop on Thursdays and would love for you to share your tips with my readers.
Barb @ A Life in Balance recently posted…Motivation Monday Linky Party #73
I definitely will! You should actually check out FemmeFrugality.com on Saturdays, because it’s her blog hop – I was just the co-host for this week. She switches it up every weekend with a different co-host, but the link up always goes up on her blog.