Welcome to Financially Savvy Saturdays, the savviest personal finance blog hop on the planet, created specifically for personal finance writers! We welcome all things money here. Whether you’ve written anything from how to get the most bang for your buck when donating to charity to how index funds work, you’re invited to link-up. If it ties into personal finance, we want to read it!
Tweet about it. You can use #finsavsat when tweeting about the party!
Concerns about SEO? Recently many bloggers have decided to stop participating in events such as Carnivals. If you’re worried about how participating in this link-up could effect your SEO, I’d encourage you to check out this article.
Interested in co-hosting? Co-hosting is fun AND easy. If you’re interested, you can email me at brokeGIRLrich (at) gmail.com with any questions. Or if you’re ready to take the plunge, you can sign up on this Google doc.
No, but seriously, interested in co-hosting? Sign up above – I’d love to get the co-hosts filled up as far in advance as possible. I’ll send you a reminder email the Monday before you’re scheduled to co-host. We also LOVE repeat co-hosts here, since ya’ll already know the drill.
Feature of the Week
Since I’m rocking out on my own this week, I get the rare pleasure of selecting the feature of the week! I learned a lot from How Much Home Can I Afford? by KennyNashville at Rocking Real Estate. If home ownership is anywhere in your future, you should definitely check it out!
If you submit a post, you could be featured in next week’s party!
We do have a couple of rules for participation. Those who don’t follow the rules will have their link taken down.
1. Your post must be written in the past seven days, related to personal finance and not be solely a giveaway.
2. Be sure to include a link to one of your hosts by copying and pasting the html in one of the boxes below into your linked up post. You have the option of the button or a text link.
3. Follow your host. You can follow brokeGIRLrich on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, OR by subscribing to her RSS feed.
4. Comment on at least one po4st before and after you that have joined the party.
Please copy and paste this button into the post you link up:

OR copy and paste this code for a text link:
<em>*Part of Financially Savvy Saturdays on <a href="https://brokegirlrich.com/?p=1954" rel="nofollow">brokeGIRLrich</a>*</em>
Thanks for hosting this! Looking forward to everyone else’s links.
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