Financial Lessons from House of Cards

Financial Lessons from House of Cards

Financial Lessons from House of Cards | brokeGIRLrich

Earlier this spring, I binge watched the heck out of House of Cards. I’ve been a long time Kevin Spacey fan and find him completely enthralling as Frank Underwood. Although he’s gone a little off the deep end in Season 3 and I’m hoping they reel him back in during Season 4.

That being said, while I was watching the entire series over the course of two weeks (healthy, I know), I thought, “gosh, a lot of these lessons apply to personal finance.”

Warning: Spoilers ahead through the end of Season 3.




 House of Cards - Frank 5

Believe in yourself! Frank saw his end goal and did what he had to do to get there. He knew that by never backing down or losing sight of the goal, he’d be able to achieve it. Maybe you don’t have to be quite as ruthless (and cough, cough, murderous) to get to those goals – but you gotta admit, the guy knew where he was going!

House of Cards - Frank 2

Whenever Frank saw an opportunity that would help propel him closer to his goal, he went after it with everything he had.

House of Cards  - Frank

Diversify – you never know when some crazy political deals will tank your thermonuclear investments. Make sure the rest of your billions are elsewhere.

House of Cards - Frank 3

Sometimes you just gotta throw your problem in front of a train. If trying to slowly work through and rationalize with your debt or lack of savings isn’t working, you have to commit! Throw that debt in front of the train and be done with it! Make extreme, life changing decisions.

House of Cards - Zoe

Of course, it’s better to take care of your problems before you have to throw them in front of a train. If Doug had taken care of Rachel and then stopped messing with her in the beginning, they never would’ve wound up in the desert. When you say you’re going to take care of something, take care of it!

House of Cards - Doug

Frank & Claire are the perfect picture of the amazing things a couple can achieve when they are working together… and how incredibly wrong it can all go when you’re not on the same page. If you can make sure you and your spouse are ready to tackle your debt or start saving and investing huge chunks of your salaries, you’ll be an unstoppable team!

house of cards - claire

…and possibly a little terrifying.

House of Cards - Love

5 thoughts on “Financial Lessons from House of Cards

  1. I actually only watched the first episode of House of Cards because I had this nagging suspicion that despite the fact that it is a fictional show that a lot of what happens on the show probably happens in real life, and I hate DC politics enough as it is and didn’t need more of a reason. That being said, though, I love your lessons and the connections you made! And I totally agree with working as a team, the only way I was successful at losing weight and getting my finances in order was when my hubby was working alongside me as a teammate.
    Shannon @ Financially Blonde recently posted…Music Mondays – One Step at a TimeMy Profile

  2. I love the show, too, and really enjoyed this post! Although, I have a feeling I know what´s coming in season 4. I feel like it´s following the traditional Shakespearean setup of exposition, rise, rule, fall. This upcoming season has to be the end. I see no other way! Ugh. I´m going to miss it.
    Chela @SmashOdyssey recently posted…The Exciting Part of the StoryMy Profile

  3. I saw a Kevin Spacey interview and he said that someone in the House or Senate or something confirmed that the show was pretty accurate… except no one could get an education bill passed that quickly. Mwahahahahha! 🙂
    Carrie @ Season It Already recently posted…SW CraftMy Profile

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