Facing Unemployment? This Guide will Help you to Handle your Anxiety

If you are recently unemployed then you will know how daunting this can be. You may feel as though you are in a situation unlike any other, and that you simply don’t know how to deal with things. This is very understandable, but there are things that you can do to try and help yourself.


The first thing that you need to do is try and validate the way that you feel. One of the main, most important things that you can do right now is treat yourself with love and kindness during this time. Try and be compassionate and tell yourself that you have every right to feel sad and anxious. Give yourself chance to validate how you feel, and then focus on moving onto that next step. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it becomes way easier for you to move on and make a positive change.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

Accept the Reality

Accept the reality as it is. There are many things that you have to accept in life, whether it’s disappointment, getting old or even things being unfair. That being said, if you are able to accept reality, then this means that you can come to terms with your unemployment. Sure, you might have lost your job, but at the end of the day, this could lead to bigger and better opportunities. If you have lost your job because of a health condition that you have developed, then now may also be the time for you to seek legal recourse, so that you can support yourself financially while you recover or until you are able to find another job. If you want to pursue this, then you can get legal help here.

Develop a Plan of Action

Now you have come to terms with the fact that you are unemployed, you have to make sure that you develop a plan of action. Just because your job before ended, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a job right now. The job you have now is to look for a job, so try and dedicate just a few hours every day to contacting people, reaching out or going through job sites. Job searching requires a lot of persistence, and there will be a lot of dead ends for you as well. If you can push through all of this though, you will soon see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Schedule Some Fun

Even though you may be unemployed right now, that doesn’t mean that you have to be morose. Try and keep yourself busy and make sure that you have some good hobbies. Get out there and have lunch with your friends, take a course, sit down and read a book or even go and travel. Use this time in between your jobs to do things that you never had time for before. If you can do this, then you can be sure to look after your mental health as much as your physical health.

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