Doin’ It By the Decade: The Wealthy Barber Review

We’ve come to a close here with the Doin’ It By the Decade series and I made my first attempt at an infographic to break down some key points we’ve covered over the last month:

Doin' It By the Decade: Review

Doin’ It By the Decade: Review

Yes, I know my infographics really need some work. All that aside, I hope some of the information has helped you gage where you are with your finances in relation to your age and helped you prepare for some of the milestones ahead of you.

A lot of this info has come from The Wealthy Barber by Dave Chilton – a guy who gives much more informed financial advice than me. And in a really easy to read way too! It was one of the first personal finance books I ever read. Been wondering what the book is all about? Well here’s a review:


David Chilton is a Canadian with a degree in Economics from Wilfrid Laurier University. He published the first edition of The Wealthy Barber in 1989 (don’t worry, he’s updated subsequent editions) and recently published a follow up book called The Wealthy Barber Returns. The Wealth Barber is one of Canada’s best selling books, full of sound financial advice written in an easy to digest and humorous tone.


            The Wealthy Barber is a financial book written in novel form. It tells the story of a pair of siblings and their friend who go to the local barber for their financial advise. Over years of haircuts, he imparts financial pearls of wisdom to them and gives them tasks and questions them about how their plans are shaping up every couple of months, when they drop in on him for a trim. The book runs the gamut from saving to insurance needs to retirement planning, also delving into home ownership and investing. One reviewer very accurately calls in a “financial self-help book” – the perfect read for someone just starting to get a handle on their finances.


            This was the first finance book I ever read, after becoming frustrated that I didn’t know where to put my money or what to do about anything. And after trying to read a financial report and feeling like all the acronyms were actively gouging out my eyes. At first, I felt like it was moving a little slow and I thought that the author was insulting my intelligence by trying to teach me with his stupid little stories, but by halfway through I realized I was actually financially stupid and this book was the perfect primer.


7 thoughts on “Doin’ It By the Decade: The Wealthy Barber Review

  1. I was the lucky winner of the giveaway! I wanted to say thanks and let you know I got the book…Can’t wait to start reading and be on my path to be a millionaire…or at least, not end up broke 🙂

    • Awesome! I was going to check up on you this week (I’ve been out of town for a wedding). I hope you enjoy it, which is a super weird thing to say about a finance book, but I did! And good luck on that millionaire path, too!

  2. Be sure to have a large amount of liquid savings in your 50s. Companies have a tendency to layoff older workers, it’s very hard to find work in your 50s, especially when you have had a job for 30 years. I was forced to take my pension early just to survive. This reduced it by 50%. I was lucky to have that. Few companies offer pensions anymore. No matter how much you save, it’s never enough. stop buying useless crap and save every penny you can.

  3. Pingback: Accountability: April 2020 - brokeGIRLrich

  4. Awesome! I’d suggest having life Insurance early out though!

    The earlier, the least expensive. Plus, it can start gathering cash value for years to come.

  5. Pingback: Accountability: January 2021 - brokeGIRLrich

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