Do What You Love And The Side Hustle Will Follow?

Side hustles are a fantastic way of adding another revenue stream to your current income. Of course, you’d have to be careful that you don’t burn out, as side hustle are usually done alongside other forms of work, meaning you can have a lot of you plate all at one time! Luckily, there is an approach you can take to help minimize the risk of burnout and its to pick a side hustle in an area that you are already passionate about, some examples of which you can find in the post below. 


If every spare minute of your time is taken up with scribbling in sketchbooks, creating awesome crafts, or even painting images of the thing you see around you, the perfect side hustle for you may just be one in which you can make art and then sell it for a profit. 

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Image here

In fact, for many people creating an artistic way is their hobby, meaning you could actually get paid to do something that you would have done anyway! Happily, there are a wide variety of things that you can create to sell, such as home ornaments, Christmas decorations, customized artworks, and even clothes and soft toys like the ones you can see at

Of course, the best advice in choosing what to go for as you side hustle is what you will most enjoy making. Although, it’s always wise to check out homemade platforms like Etsy to see what type of thing is selling best at the moment as well. This being something that can help you to have a commercial edge and maximizes both your profits and sales from this type of side hustle.  


For some folks, doing what they are passionate about is less about instant enjoyment and more about choosing an activity that they know make a positive difference in other people’s lives. Of course, if this describes your approach, then teaching or tutoring may be a great side hustle to pick. 

In fact, there are multitudes of platforms online on which you can set yourself up to tutor. Some of which focus on academic subjects, and ESL like the one at and others that are geared towards teaching more practical skills, including DIY or crafting. 

If you do decide to pick teaching as your side hustle, you also have the choice between tutoring small groups in person over video chat as well as recording tutorials and displaying them on eBay and your blog. The latter being something that you can earn money from, in two ways. One being using it to help you to increase your traffic and further monetize your blog, and the second by putting it behind a paywall. 


Does your home look like it could be one the cover of an interior design magazine? Could you trace a line along any surface wearing white gloves and see not a speck of dust? Well, if that is the case, then it’s highly likely that keeping your living space clean is something of a passion for you, and the good news is that this is definitely something that you can base a profitable side hustle on. 

In fact, using that passion for cleaning to start up a commercial cleaning business is something that can not only be gratifying work, (as you really get to the difference your effort has made) but can have you in high demand as well. 

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Of course, before you can start to clean others homes and businesses, you will need to invest in the right kind of equipment. Something that you can visit to get some help with. The good news is that if you invest while those selling cleaning equipment are running special offers, you can slash your start-up costs and begin running your cleaning business right away. 


Lastly, if your passion lies in helping others reach their full potential, you will want to consider running a life coaching business as a side hustle. After all, no other job can provide you with such an opportunity to work with individuals on a one to one basis helping them first to identify what they want in life, and then working out the steps they need to take to get there. 

Of course, getting a qualification in life coaching and some experience before you start charging for your services is a wise idea. The reason being that even though it’s not required by law in most places at the moment, it will ensure that your clients can put their full faith in you with something as important as their life goals. Something that will enable you to make an excellent additional income doing something that you truly love and is that is meaningful for you. 

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