Creep and Crawl Into Etsy This Autumn

Creep and Crawl Into Etsy This Autumn

Creep and Crawl Into Etsy This Autumn | brokeGIRLrich

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I spend a little too much time on Etsy. I mean, the things are ridiculously cute and I like feeling like I’m buying from a real human.  And they’ve got something for season, like these fall décor essentials.

But recently I’ve been doing some Etsy shopping with a distinctly fall flavor, but probably not the one you’d expect.

The spiders have come for us.

It seems that as the weather takes a turn over here, the creepy crawlies are trying to find some more shelter in our home than usual.

When we first moved in, because the house had been deserted for a while, they were everywhere, but I thought we had solved this issue.

Lately it seems a little less like we have.

So I did some research and looked into how I can naturally dissuade these beasts from trying to cohabitate with us here and it turns out, there are several natural choices we can try.

And they are much cheaper than exterminators.

Or burning the townhouse down.

The smell that spiders hate most is peppermint (though if you have pets, do some research, peppermint can be toxic to pets).

Peppermint Oil by Cooper and Gracie – there are several ways to use this. It can be put into a diffusor to help drive away the spiders; however, that’s a pretty constant commitment. You can also add to a spray bottle and mix with water and spray down the areas that are most likely to hide the creatures.

Some other scents will also help keep the spiders (and other bugs) away.

Citronella & Lemongrass Essential Oil by DIYCosmeticsUK – not only does this drive away spiders, but it is also a repellent for rodents, horse flies, ticks and mosquitos. They sell multiple sizes of the oil from big spray bottles to smaller essential oil refills.

Spider Repellent | Peppermint, Lemon + Orange by The Essential House – if the other scents don’t suit your home vibe, this one has a citrusy smell to compliment the peppermint. They suggest that if you turn the oil into a repellent spray to add just a dash of dish soap to the spray bottle along with the water.

Peppermint Spa Reed Diffusor by Clyde Candles – if you’d rather set it and forget it, you can purchase a peppermint or lavender diffusor to keep the smell strong throughout the house.

Peppermint Body Spray by Smith River Trading – if you also like the idea of a spray but don’t want to mix it up yourself, this body spray will accomplish the same thing as the others. You can also spray it on your comforter or duvet to make sure you don’t find a surprise buddy at bedtime.

Lavender, Chamomile & Rose Spray by beeecoshopuk – if you don’t like the smell of peppermint, lavender is also a very effective spray to drive away the bugs.

Bimble Natural ‘Spider Bomb’ by BimbleAround – these little sachets can be nestled in corners or various areas that you often find spiders. The ‘spider bomb’s are a combination of dried plant materials tied up in little canvas cloth bags.

And finally, can I mention Etsy without mentioning a candle?

Peppermint Scented Candle by LindsayLucasCandles – if you’re trying to supersaturate your house in the smell of peppermint to get rid of unwanted arachnids, burning candles with essential oils like peppermint can actually help. They are also deterred by the smell of smoke when you blow out candles, so, double win.


I used to use an essential oil combo to control the pests in my old apartment. I also use it here in the new place, but it does take a while to fully saturate the place in the odor.

I will also admit that I slip and use it less than I used in the flat because it’s a pain to move the little bottle from floor to floor. I should probably keep a small spray bottle in the the bathrooms on each floor.

But, the areas I am good about spraying regularly don’t usually see many bugs. I always spray the trash cans in the kitchen and the recycling bin when I change the bags. And whenever I clean, I try to spray around the windows and doors, anywhere there’s like a hole into the wall like near the radiators and around plumbing fixtures like the toilers and the sinks.

I also ordered some ‘Spider Bomb’s to tuck into the basket that holds our towels in the bathroom and the bathroom cabinets, as well as our bedroom closet. They smell fresh and I’m hopeful they work well.

I also plan to start stocking up on peppermint candles.

How do you deal with unwanted pests in your home?

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