Clever Ways To Declutter Your Home

Whether you want to sell your house fast or you just want some more space, many individuals see themselves living in a neat, streamlined environment with fewer material possessions around them. Even if people like their stuff, it can seem like the ultimate dream to throw everything out and just retain what is really necessary. And why not? After all, there are several advantages to doing so; there will be much less cleaning and tidying, more money (if you’re not continually buying things), fewer worries, and so on. So, if you’ve been bitten by the decluttering bug, here are some ingenious strategies to get it done swiftly and (mostly) painlessly. 

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

Take Five 

Decluttering can much more easily be accomplished in short, quick spurts of five minutes or less. It works psychologically so that you don’t feel like you’re throwing out a lot of your belongings all at once. Simply choose a room, or even a drawer or closet, and spend five minutes genuinely thinking about the contents. You can get rid of everything you don’t want or need, and you’ll feel that you’ve achieved something. 

Give Something Away

It’s totally feasible to modify your lifestyle while simultaneously decluttering your house by just giving things away one at a time. If you do this every day, at the end of the year you will have decreased the number of objects in your home by 365 (assuming you don’t purchase anything new), which is a lot when you think about it. If you can’t find someone to donate the item to, make it your purpose to take it to a homeless shelter or a thrift shop. Someone will undoubtedly benefit from it. 

Organize A Garage Sale

This tip takes a little effort to put together, but it’s well worth it since you’ll walk away with at least a small sum of money. Set out your decluttered belongings in your front yard or garage, and put up posters in the area encouraging neighbors to come and look. You’ll take stuff out of your home, but the beauty of the idea is that people will pay you to remove things from your house. Anything that is left over can be thrown out or given away. The point is that you don’t want to bring any of it back into your home, so don’t become too attached if it doesn’t sell.

The Hanger Experiment 

Try the hanger experiment if you’re not sure whether to toss or donate your items. Turn all of the hangers in your closet so that they face the other direction to the one they normally do, and make sure they all face the same way. When you’re done wearing anything from the closet, return the hanger to its original position, that is, turn it back around. You’ll be able to tell which garments you wore and which you didn’t after six months. You can take anything still facing the other way out of the closet and sell it or give it away, knowing that you won’t be wearing it.

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