A Financial Order of Operations | brokeGIRLrich

A Financial Order of Operations

When I hear Order of Operations, I feel like I’m sitting in Mrs. Shipley’s seventh grade math class. She taught us to Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally – parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. That’s the order you attack a complicated math problem. Now, I’m terrible at math, but more than 20 years later,…

My Money Story

My Money Story

Recently, I read another blogger’s money story – and I always find them pretty fascinating! I mean, it’s a big part of why we blog about what we blog about and our own outlooks on money and life. Several years ago, I wrote my debt story. I was finishing up paying off $30,00 in student…

Net Worth Follow Up

In my continuing research to become less of a financial moron, I’ve stumbled upon Investopedia. It’s popped up in a few different places on the web as a site to check out, so I finally did. Overall, I’m not super excited about their articles. I don’t feel their website is really clear and easy to…