What To Do When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Hello. My name is Mel and this week I am overwhelmed. There is a lot going on right now. And I totally hid from some of it that I probably could’ve gotten a jump on during the last few weeks of my last tour. That was unwise. I am excellent at hiding from things sometimes…

My “Accomplishments” List

J. Money over at Budgets Are Sexy wrote this fun list of 12 More #Money Ideas to Try and I really liked the one at the end. One brilliant reader said she keeps an “Accomplishments” list to look back on “whenever [she] feels completely incompetent or like [she’ll] never get anywhere.” Who doesn’t relate to…

How to Pick a Decent Bank

How to Pick a Decent Bank

Many moons ago, at my college orientation, I opened my first bank account with First Union bank. I made this decision after much careful research. J/K. They had a booth at orientation and an ATM on campus. Done and done. Times were simpler at the turn of the millennia. These days there are so many…

Boost Your Finances For 2020

With the dawn of a new year approaching, the chances are that you will be thinking about your new year’s resolutions. However, you don’t want those flash in a pan promises that fail by the second week in January. You might want to get fit, but you never go to the gym. You might want…

A Little Competition Can Be a Good Thing

A Little Competition Can Be a Good Thing

Welcome to another edition of financial analogies Mel thinks about while swimming. If you also swim, or like parallels between fitness and finance, check out these other posts: How Running Is Like Personal Finance – Part I How Running is Like Personal Finance – Part II How Running is Like Personal Finance – Part III…

Teaching Children About Modern Online Safety

Anyone born post-1990s, you have or you will grow up using computers as if they were second nature. We don’t even think twice about it. How alien our world is to all previous generations. With this new world come a few challenges that we have to understand in order to defeat. Online safety is an…

My Money Fears

My Money Fears

When I started this blog, I was finishing off paying my student loans, working for a company that I sometimes still refer to as the “evil empire,” dating a guy I figured I was probably going to wind up marrying someday, and perpetually stressed about not having much money or feelings of financial security. Nowadays,…

Goal Derailment & Financial Spoons

I’ve been thinking a little bit lately about how easy it is to get derailed from our goals. Personal finance aside, I’ve been doing a little better about going to the gym this month. 90% of the time if I go between the hours of 11:30-3:30, the pool is pretty empty. 10% of the time,…

Writing for the 25%

Writing for the 25%

I would venture to say that a solid 50% of my blog is just crap. It’s sponsored posts. It’s crap I wrote at 7:30 am upon realizing I was about to miss a set post time in 30 minutes. It’s half baked raw ideas. Another 25% fall into the actual half-baked area. There’s a line or…

Spreading The Enthusiasm Virus

Image via Pexels  The single most powerful attribute you can have in your life is enthusiasm. People with passion stand out. They inspire others. And they have the type of influence that creates amazing opportunities. And enthusiasm can work in an almost vital way – when you think back about occasions in your life where…

Steps I Took to Get Where I Am Financially

When I first started this blog, I wrote a lot of posts about debt and flailing around, trying to make ends meet, because that was where I was. Lately, I seem to write more travel tips and worth the splurge articles because that’s where I am. On the broke to rich spectrum, I’m firmly in…

How To Handle A Bad Situation

Image Credit We’ve all been there. Life has been going pretty well. We are feeling optimistic, and everything seems to be in hand. It could be said that we’re taking life in our stride.  But then something comes along and trips us up. It might be bad news that we can’t predict. Some things are,…

How and Why to Make Your Dreams a Reality

Lately, you may have found yourself daydreaming more than usual about a number of goals you’d like to accomplish in life. While you’re generally happy with your life and how things are going, you also have this nagging sense you can do, see and experience more in life. At the same time, you know you…

Keeping On Top Of Life When The Worst Happens

Image Credit When something tragic happens in our lives, it can take the wind out of our sails. You might have everything in hand and feel as though you are on top of life, and then something occurs to emotionally catapult you to places you don’t want to be. This kind of setback could come…

Ways That You Can Make Your Sick Day Productive

An issue that a lot of people have is that they’re afraid of taking sick days unless they’re physically incapable of hauling themselves out of bed. But this generally isn’t the smartest thing to do: you should remember that if you don’t feel great, and if you are able to take the day off, you…

Money & Music: An Analogy

Money & Music: An Analogy

Not that long ago, I interviewed with an opera company that sent me part of a score and asked me 8,000 (or what felt like 8,000) questions about it over the phone as part of my interview to prove I could read music. I stumbled through the entire interview. I did not get the job.…

Sabbatical: 5 Months In

In November, I wrote a post about sabbaticals and I can report – the average Mel can afford to take a Sabbatical – as of right now. The return to the rat race is considerably more unclear than when I left the job in December. I also wound up with a tons and tons of…

Saving Money By Procrastinating

It can be done! I feel like I have two modes – DO ALL THE THINGS and DO NONE OF THE THINGS. My brother and I were just chatting about the fact that there are both times when we’re at home and work is slow that we just turn into total sloths. We lose the…

6 Things You Can Do To Heal An Injury Faster

Healing an injury can take a lot of time. Sometimes it just takes as long as it takes, and there’s nothing you can do to speed it up. If you try to rush it and go back to your day to day activities too quickly, you could end up causing more serious, permanent damage. That…

How I Got So Good at Failing

How I Got So Good at Failing

I had a crazy conversation with a friend lately about a major reach job I kind of wanted and he just pishawed me and essentially said of course I’m going to get it because I’m me. I looked at him as though he’d lost his mind and changed the course of the conversation, but I’ve…

Making The Most Of Long-Term Illness

If you have to be out of work for a long time because of an injury or long-term illness, it can be a particularly worrying circumstance which you would probably rather not to have to worry about. Of course, there is plenty that you can do to try and make the most of it, and…