When is Enough Enough?

When is Enough Enough?

In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, William Blake wrote “you never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.” I think this is unfortunately true. I have too much on my plate right now. And most of it makes me money or is part of a future plan to continue…

How To Make Managing Your Finances A Little Less Stressful

Pixabay CC0 License Remove financial stress from your mind once and for all Money isn’t the most important thing in this life, but its impact on your life cannot be emphasized enough. It is easily one of the most common sources of stress. So, any opportunity to reduce those levels through efficient management should be…

Is a 1/3 Life Crisis a Thing?

Is a 1/3 Life Crisis a Thing?

When I was 27, I hit the quarter life crisis thing pretty hard (which is funny cause I’m not exactly expecting to live to 128). It was also the year my best friend and I jumped out of a plane because I thought, if we die, I don’t have to figure out what I want…

Financial Lessons from Ticket to Ride

Financial Lessons from Ticket to Ride

A very bright spot for me in the dreary year that has been 2020 is Ticket to Ride. Ticket to Ride (or “the train game”) was created in 2004 and the very simple idea of the game is you draw some route cards and try to build your train across the map. Different length routes…

Pandemic Friendly New Year’s Eve Plans

Pandemic Friendly New Year’s Eve Plans

For those still sticking to their social distancing guns (and as someone from a decimated industry, thank you), here are some ideas to keep New Year’s Eve from being a total bust. Several are paid games or “theatrical” events, so if the pandemic has not been a financial disaster for you, consider supporting the creators…

Things to Be Thankful For

Things to Be Thankful For

What. A. Year. I was telling a friend recently that whenever I wind up at my parents house between tours, it always feels like time is frozen. This is kind of delightful for two to three weeks, and tolerable for a month or two with visits to friends and other family crammed in there too.…

Maintaining Optimum Wellbeing Whilst Working From Home

With such a large percentage of the population now working from home, maintaining optimum wellbeing whilst being stuck indoors is becoming a greater priority. The reality is that some mornings you may log in from the comfort of your bed, staying there to complete your shift, and though this may feel like a luxury compared…

Start With the Fun Stuff

Start With the Fun Stuff

I often try to force myself into good habits – running, eating healthy, learning new languages, etc. And lots of the time, I manage for like a week or so and then it’s just back to normal. It is really hard to create new habits, especially when I get no joy from them. It’s even…

Is It Better To Do Things By Hand?

Is It Better To Do Things By Hand?

This past week I’ve been working on an ESL Certification so I can work for iTutor. I passed their interview process and am conditionally accepted as long as I get that certificate. A lot of studying for the course has been common sense things or just learning the right name for a teaching theory, but…

Past Mel Keeps Leaving Me Great Surprises

Past Mel Keeps Leaving Me Great Surprises

I am pretty pleased with past Mel these days. I feel like I keep finding little surprises she left future me that I had totally forgotten about. I am a pretty well trained creature. Current Mel helps out Future Mel in a ton of little non-monetary ways too. She leaves out tomorrow’s clothes the night…

A Look at Backup Plans in 2020

A Look at Backup Plans in 2020

Sorry. I needed a minute there. I laughed hysterically for like 5 minutes after writing that title. Ok. Deep breath. I am the queen of backup plans. Ever since switching my major to theater, I’ve quietly had strand after strand of backup plans in motion to build a whole web of them to keep from…

How To Manage Your Money During A Pandemic To Recover ASAP

The current pandemic of Covid-19 has upturned millions of lives. Some people have lost their lives and those that haven’t gotten ill have been affected. Financially, there has never been a moment like this in the history of the US. It is proving to be even worse than the Great Depression. Is it hopeless, then,…

Quarantine Burnout

Quarantine Burnout

I’ve been thinking a little about the burnout even in this ridiculous coronavirus era where there actually seems to be quite a lot of time. Have you seen that meme about for some people it’s a sprinkle, some it’s a storm, and some are drowning? I am firmly on the sprinkle bus. I have a…

What to Do With All This Money?

https://unsplash.com/photos/1jbxXN4OkMM Yes, the world may have come to an abrupt standstill, and there is an unprecedented number of people currently out of work across the US and the world. If you are one of the lucky ones, however, and you are still able to work, you may be astonished at the numbers in your bank…

Earning Money Is Easy. Keeping It Is The Hard Part

Pixabay – CC0 License Earning money is surprisingly easy. You show up to work, provide a little bit of value, and hey presto! Your boss dumps a load of cash into your account.  Keeping your money, however – now that’s an entirely different ball game.  When you’re a productive person, you suddenly find that everyone…

The Science of Well-Being

Does anyone else find that they are feeling a little extra pressure to ACCOMPLISH. ALL. THE. THINGS during social distancing? I feel like I gung-ho signed up for like 10 different classes, committed myself to practicing an instrument and a language, started doing yoga, and signed up for a virtual walk/run to keep myself moving.…

You’re More Likely to Need a Lawyer Than You Think

One of the last things people have on their mind is which lawyer to hire and where to find them. After all, people typically don’t want to be thinking about going to court or needing serious legal assistance for something. If you do, it usually means you’ve gotten yourself into a bit of trouble and…

Five Wealth Building Secrets That You Should Know

Picture this. Two persons have the same level of education, experience, and opportunities. Yet, one seems to have a magic touch in creating wealth while the other wallows in poverty for ages. How so? Well, wealth creation is a skill that is lacking in many people. And, despite their best efforts to be in control…

4 Things to Do in Preparation for a Major Purchase

Whether you’re planning to move because your lease is up, are ready to upgrade your car, or your trusted laptop has finally given out on you, making a big purchase can be daunting. In addition to the general stress associated with spending a lot of money, there’s also the limitations of your budget to consider.…