Sometimes You Just Suck

Not to brag, but I’m one of those people who has largely breezed by in life. I’m extremely lucky to have parents who were super supportive, but also strict as all get out, which instilled in a lot of really good habits in me when I was really young. I’m also pretty smart. I’m not…

Networking Like a Pro

We all have our special skill sets and networking is not one of mine. Unfortunately, it’s a really important skill. Lucky for me, I know a few people who don’t suck at it. One of them is Shannon from Financially Blonde who was kind enough to share her mad networking skillz with us so that one day…

What's Your Hourly Rate?

What’s Your Hourly Rate?

I’ve been reading a lot about how you value your time lately. I took one of those nifty quizzes lately that told me I value my time at $22.50 an hour. Which is awesome, because I don’t make that much (post tax)… perhaps this explains my perpetual state of discontentment and urge to side hustle. Read more…

Get in the Zone

You know those moments when you’re in the zone? You can knock out tons of work and it seems like your mind is on fire. You can achieve anything! I don’t know about you, but my perfect zone is right after I wake up on a day when I don’t have anything pressing to do.…

Nail Your Interview: Part III

Nail Your Interview: Part III

I’ve decided that interviewing people is actually the most stressful part of hiring. Turns out, some people are incredible writers, who make a great impression with their cover letter and resume, but then are total duds at interviewing. Others, who were almost a stretch to make it into the interview pile, have actually wowed me.…

How to Get Hired and How to Not Get Hired: Part I

This week was the first time I ever had to run a job search from beginning to end with a large number of candidates. Since starting my new job, I’ve had to hire several props and wardrobe people, but all came as recommendations from trusted colleagues and friends. This week I posted a job on…

How to Stock a Stage Management Kit on a Budget

How to Stock a Stage Management Kit on a Budget

Every job has its tools and one of the biggest money suckers for a stage manager is their kit. What’s a stage manager kit? Well, it harkens back to the idea that a stage manager is the person who is “absolutely responsible for absolutely everything” for a production… which is an over or under simplification…

True Story: I Lived on a Cruise Ship

True Story: I Lived on a Cruise Ship

So, like I haven’t rambled about my weird adventures enough in the last two weeks… if you wanted to know more about what it was like to live on a cruise ship, check out my guest post over at Budgets Are Sexy. Some people do crazy things like recycle their toilet paper to save a…