Lifestyle Creep Alert

Lifestyle Creep Alert

So if you’ve been following the moving saga a little bit over here, you’ll know I’ve moved about an hour outside London to the suburbs, with my boyfriend. We have a ton more space and my rent went from £1125 a month for a severely problematic one bedroom flat that was in an excellent place…

Things to Consider When Buying a New Car

Photo by Trace Constant If you’re in the market for a new car there are some things you should consider before you buy. Buying a new car is an exciting milestone and it is one that you need to ensure that you make an informed decision about.  There are some key factors that you need…

Things to Remember When Involved in Any Accident

Life and death are both very real possibilities. When you’re involved in a car accident, you need to be prepared for the worst case scenario: that someone else might die or suffer serious injuries as a result of your actions. The best way to ensure that doesn’t happen is to take every precaution possible when…

5 Easy Tips To Be A Responsible Car Owner

Image Credit: Pexels from Pixabay. Are you a responsible car owner? By that, do you do more than just follow the rules of the road? Taking the time to stay safe and properly look after your car is all part of this, but many people overlook quite a few parts of this. In many cases,…

11.) I will pay for cars upfront, in cash.

11.) I will pay for cars upfront, in cash.

In this series, we’re looking at Mel’s Money Manifesto, which I wrote in 2014 – to see how the Manifesto is going. As I pretty much wrote it… and then largely forgot about it for years. I sort of laughed about this a bit. So I am kind of spoiled (obviously, I’m pretty up front…

5 Vehicle Expenses Every Young Woman Should Know About

When you’re young and just starting out, it’s essential to be smart about your money. This includes being aware of the various expenses you’ll incur when owning a vehicle. There are many different factors to consider, from regular maintenance to unexpected repairs. This blog post will discuss five key vehicle expenses that every young woman…

Comprehensive Insurance vs. Collision Insurance: Are Non-Collision Accidents the Deciding Factor?

IMAGE CREDIT: Insurance has become a somewhat minefield to the untrained eye. From house insurance to car insurance, there are tons of variations of cover for each part of our life we need to insure. Car insurance is perhaps one of the most frequently purchased forms of insurance. You’ll notice terms like third-party, comprehensive,…

Tips To Be Frugal With Your Automotive Costs

Keeping costs down is everyone’s desire. It can help to maximize your earnings and ensure that you are not overspending where you could actually be saving money.  Car expenses are among the most expensive, especially when something goes wrong or you take out a loan.  Whether you are in the process of buying your first…