Can You Crush It As an Entrepreneur?

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Image via Pexels 

Many people dream of running their own business, being in control of their own destiny, making profits for themselves and creating a company and a life which aligns better with their personal values. But while many want to, some are naturally more successful. They have the drive, ability and skillset that suits them perfectly to entrepreneurial life. The good news is that those skills can be learned, and developing a healthy business can be done – as long as you set it up right. 

Finding The Right Fit

When it comes to business, one size does not fit all. While you can start up a business in a lot of different fields – from repairing smartphones to running an eCommerce boutique, undertaking graphic design projects, offering consultancy services or becoming a plumber – you do need to find a business which suits you. Think about what you’re good at and what your skill set is – what do those qualities lend themselves to? What problem in the world could you solve for your customers? There’s no doubt that, however satisfying, running your own company can be a lot of hard work, so you have to be passionate about what you’re doing in order to really succeed. 

Analysing The Knowledge Gap

You may well need to upskill yourself to launch your business. Remember it pays to never stop learning. Think about what you need to do well in order to make your venture a success, and be honest with yourself about where your skills are lacking. It doesn’t always have to be a formal qualification, although those are certainly necessary in some fields. Sometimes self-directed online learning can be a massive help, or shadowing someone for a while. Keep an open mindset and you’ll constantly be able to apply new skills to developing your business. 

Developing Your Business Plan

Your business plan is the document that guides your operations and sets out exactly how you’re going to go about making your business a success. It’s a key document for securing investment for your business, so take the time to get it right. Look up sample business plans by sector so you can get a good idea of what you need to include. From your plan, you’ll be able to set some KPIs which will give you a benchmark for success. 

Identify Your Target Audience 

Knowing your audience and what they want is the single most important factor in determining the success of your operation, so spend time defining and listening to your target group. Your business is not meant to appeal to absolutely everyone. It’s far better to start off by closely targeting one segment of people, using social listening and polls on your website to work out what they need and what they like or dislike about your product or service. 

Getting The Legals And Financials Right 

Many a promising start-ups flounder over simple matters, such as not getting their tax affairs in order or using the wrong legal format to set up their business. Using a registered formation agent and finding a great small business accountant can really help you to avoid these pitfalls, especially as you may be an expert in your field, but never have set up a company before. 

Beginning To Network 

No business is an island, and the connections you make will usually prove valuable at some point, even if it isn’t immediately obvious. One of the most valuable soft skills entrepreneurs can possess, that can really help their company go to the next level, is networking. Sign up to find local networking events and you’ll find it can bring you useful contacts and collaborations, potential investors and even new customers. 

Getting Your Marketing Right 

You may not count yourself a marketing expect, but there is a definite power in building a strong brand and communicating it effectively to customers. Start to develop a marketing plan, containing details of the messages and channels your audience research has shown would work best. Build things up gradually, focusing on just a handful of activities at first – you don’t have to be on every social platform going, only those which best serve your audience. Focus on creating compelling content which adds value, and joining in reciprocal conversations about relevant industry topics. It’s much less about the soapbox sales approach of old and more about building lasting customer relationships. Optimise your website with fast loading times, inspirational imagery and copy written with SEO in mind. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and it can really turn your business into a huge success.

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  1. Pingback: 3 Business Strategies That May Cost You As An Entrepreneur - brokeGIRLrich

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